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I saw Jisung running towards us in a hurry. He stops in front of me, slightly panting. I hand him a bottle of water that I just bought.

"Thank you!" He says once he's done drinking. He took a deep breath before giving me a big smile. "Woah, that was exhausting."

I pat him on his shoulder. "Why did you run? There's a cable car available as an option, you know?"

I look at a certain someone and the side of my lips turn up. He glares at me and squeezes my hands tightly.

"Ow!" I frown at him and slap his hand away.

"My bad," he says but it doesn't look like he mean it.

Jisung eyes the two of us. "Were you two just... holding hands?"

"Oh that," I look down as I feel my cheeks heating up. "He just held my hand so I won't get lost."

"Oh..." He slowly nods. "Okay."

Jisung starts walking ahead, then he turns around to face us.

"Aren't you two coming? Let's start the project now, I'm so excited." Jisung shows us a tight-lipped smile.

My eyebrows furrow as we start walking. What's wrong with Jisung? I just shrug it off and we start filming the first part of the video. It's just a montage showing different views of Namsan Tower, focusing on the lovelocks.

I know that's such a cheesy idea but I can't really think of anything else. I've never been in love nor fallen in love. I don't really know how it feels like except for the love that I have for my family.

I don't know about Minho and Jisung. Maybe they know, I'll just ask next time.

"I think that'll be fine," I say after turning off the camera.

"I think so too!" Jisung says and went beside me.

"Yeah," Minho agrees as he went to my right side.

"I'm kinda thirsty," I say out of the blue because the milkshake dried my mouth.

"Here." Minho and Jisung both offer at the same time. I look at the both of them, contemplating on whose water bottle I'll take. Jisung smiles at me and points the bottle on his hand with his lips. Minho rolls his eyes and takes the cap off his water bottle.

"Just drink," Minho says and impatiently tips the water to my parted lips, giving me no choice but to drink it.

"Hmp-" I whine as the water almost entered the wrong hole, coughing as I finally finished. I wipe the sides of my lips and glare a little as he cover his mouth with the back of his hand, but I can clearly see his shoulders shaking.

Jisung looks at us before drinking his own water in one go, crumpling the bottle after. He also takes the one I drank from and crumpled it too, then throwing them in the recycle bin. "You're welcome," he tells Minho.

Minho just smirks and shrugs.

I smile as my two groupmates seem to be getting along. Now I know that my grades won't end up like the one in History.

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