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"Y/n, come here!" Mum shouts from downstairs.

"Mum, I'm doing my homework!"

"It's about Jisung!"

"I'm coming!"

I wear my fluffy slippers and go to the kitchen where my mother is. When I entered, I saw her putting two food containers with strawberries, watermelon, and other fruits inside a paper bag.

"What's that for?" I ask her.

"It's for Jisung," she says and gives me the paper bag.

"Why these?" I ask her, confused.

"Those will help him rehydrate. Bring it to him because his parents can't come home until later and he needs to eat so he can recover faster."


"Yes, that poor boy. His mum just messaged me that she's working overtime to make up for her sick leave."

I pout as I thought of Jisung being alone in his current condition. I'm not sure if he can take care of himself right now.

"Uhm... Can I stay over for a while? I'm worried if he'll be fine on his own."

A smile grows on my mum's face as she caress my shoulders. "Alright, but try not to catch his fever."

"I won't. Oh, do we have cheesecake? That'll work better than medicine in his case."

"I already put it there." She chuckles. "You really know him, huh? You must like him a lot."

"Of course, mum. Who wouldn't? Everyone in this family likes him."

"How are you so clueless, my dear daughter?" She shakes her head amusedly. "Open your eyes."


"Nothing, go now," she says and pushes me out of the door before I could reply.

I was about to walk off when the door opens and I saw my mother walk out with a little boy beside her. My eyes widen and I almost squeal in happiness.


I immediately put the paper bag down and lift the little boy in my arms.

"I mishyu, noona!" He kisses my cheeks and smiles cutely, showing his adorable dimples and missing tooth.

"I missed you too, little boy." I say and squeeze his chubby cheeks.

"I'm not a boy, I'm a dinosaur! Grrr!" he says as he shows off his pink dinosaur onesie.

"Alright then, tiny dinosaur!" I giggle at him as he clings on my neck. I look at my mum and she just shrugs.

"Jeongin just got out of bed so he's a bit hyper. He says he wants to go with you," she says.

"When did he get here?"

"This morning when you went to school. The Yangs dropped him off and he'll stay here for a few days."

"All of a sudden?"

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