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I just got out of the washing area after changing into my PE uniform when I spot a gloomy Seungmin on the bleachers.

"Hey, Seungmin! How yah doing? Not good? Okay, never mind." Felix pouts while sitting beside him. I sit beside Felix.

We just got our grades for the English reporting and we bombed it, according to Seungmin.

"We'll do better next time," I mumble, trying to uplift his spirit in an unconvincing way.

We're just halfway through the day, but it's already a bad one. First, we surprisingly got a 92% which is alright for me and Felix but isn't for Seungmin. Second, we have to play basketball for PE today and I'm not the most athletic person. Lastly, I hope so, Minho is acting weird. Not the good kind of weird. I understand if he doesn't want to talk to me about it, I just wish he wouldn't cut me out.

"Everyone, form a line. Shortest in front, tallest at the back. Now!"

We scattered and lined to find our places before we get scolded. I'm eighth in line out of 18 students.

Coach Yoongi tells us to go in front of the ring one by one to shoot and my hands are already getting clammy. It's almost my turn so I try to focus.

"Moon!" Coach Yoongi signals and I stagger to move forward. I have three chances and I only need to shoot one to pass.

You got this. Fighting, girl!

My first shot didn't even reach the ring, so before I take my second shot I look back to see Seungmin pointing beside him. Felix moves his other foot forward while bending his knees a little so I copy it. I fixate my eyes on the ring and jump to throw the ball. I almost shouted when it got in.

"Good job, mate!" Felix high-fives me and Seungmin gives a thumbs up as I join them at the back near the other class who's doing a volleyball practicum.

I slouch on the ground with a sunken expression instead of being happy because of a certain someone.

Minho is busy with his phone and the teachers can't be bothered to disturb him because they know he won't obey them anyway. I scoot closer to him and tug on his shirt to get his attention. He just looks at me with a stoic face. It's been a while since I saw him like this.

"What's wrong?"

"None that concerns you," he says coldly.

I bite my lower lip. "Uh... Are you free later? I found a new cafe, I think you'll like it there."

"I have to do something later. Just go with Jisung," he replies and goes back to his phone.

"But you said you'll make it up to me..." I mumble. "Can you at least stay with me until I reach home?"

I'm scared that those guys will try to get back at me since I have no one to go home with. Jisung is always with his other friends and I don't want to bother him. I know I promised to tell Minho about it, but I don't want him to be forced to go with me out of obligation.

Minho turns to me and sigh. "This thing's really important."

"But I need to tell you something important too..."

"Next time?"

"You always say that. It's been weeks, Minho. You don't have time for us anymore."

He laughs bitterly and pushes his hair back. "We're not together, Y/n. As far as I know, it's not my responsibility to make time for you."

I look at him dumbfounded.

"Y-You said..." I suck in a deep breath. "No, you're right."

His gaze softens as he tries to hold my hand, but I hurriedly stand up.

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