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"I think I need to pee."

Minho stops walking and glares at me.

"Really?" he asks sarcastically and I pout in response.

"Do they really want to meet me?" I ask him. He didn't answer and just pulls me with him.

Today, Minho will introduce me to his friends. Ironic because he still doesn't want to be friends with me. We've already shared a couple of good and bad memories but we're not friends yet.

We reached the rooftop and waited for the others to come. I keep walking back and forth in an attempt to calm my nerves but Minho kicked me instead.

"What was that for?"

"Stop it, you're making me dizzy."

I'm really nervous so I still keep walking back and forth. Minho must've had enough of it that's why he puts his hands on my shoulders to steady me. I look up at him anxiously and he sighs.



"It's fine if you don't want to meet them, I wont force you into something you don't want to do." He looks away as he said those and that's when I noticed that he's just as antsy as I am.

"Alright then..." I said but I immediately regret it because he looks so disappointed.

Lee Minho, when did you learn how to show your emotions?

"I'm kidding! I'd love to meet them but I'm just so nervous." I giggle. "I got you, didn't I?"

"Shut up." He groans and covers his face.

"You looked funny!" I laugh.

"Tsk. Stop it." He glares.

I do a zipping motion on my lips even though I'm still laughing. Minho just shakes his head at my amusement. We sat down after I overcome my nervousness and stare at the sky whilst waiting for his friends to come.

"I only realised this... Why do you go here at the rooftop when you're afraid of heights?"

"Why do you go here at the rooftop when I can just push you off so easily?"

I pout at his response. "Fine, I promise I won't mention it again."

He smirks. "Good girl."

We both looked back up at the sky. It's so clear and refreshing. I hope meeting his friends would turn out as pretty.

"You know, the rooftop-" I raise my hands in surrender when he whips his head to me so fast and glare so hard. "No, I wasn't talking about that!"

"Tsk." I giggle as he squints his eyes even more.

"I was gonna say the rooftop's the perfect place for stargazing." I smile when he finally stops glaring at me. "I've always wanted to do that, but you can't really see the stars in the city. It's also really cold at night... and I don't have close friends to do it with."

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