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I placed the milk carton on his desk and went to sit on mine.

"What's this?" Minho asks.


He rolls his eyes.

"Um... I just want to thank you."

"No need."

"But I want to."

"Just drink it."

"I already had one."

The milk was going back and forth on our desks. Minho stops my hand midway before I could put it back.

"I'm lactose intolerant," he says and ducks on his desk to sleep.

I pout as I punch in the straw to drink it myself. I didn't know he was lactose intolerant, I even woke up earlier than usual to get to the convenience store to buy it. Well, I don't really know anything about him.


Since the incident from yesterday, I decided not to listen to the gossips anymore. I don't think he's a bad person based from what I saw and I want to get to know him better if possible.

"Class, turn your books on page 42 and analyse the poem. The first line 'I've been thinking about my life, is it better if I die' holds such a deep meaning of existential crisis..."

The professor arrives and the lesson starts so I had to focus. Four subjects passed before it's finally lunch break.

I hurriedly went out and run to the rooftop, tripping and missing some steps of the stairs. I reached the door all smiles but when I opened it, my smile instantly turned into a pout.

Minho's not here.

I searched the whole rooftop but he's nowhere seen. I guess he doesn't want to sleep here today. I was hoping that we could talk so I can apologise for acting so scared of him in the entire week that we've been seatmates.

I went to my usual spot and eat my lunch, just looking around the place to see if anything had changed because it's my first time going back here after my seatmate got transferred into our class. It's funny how I was too nervous to be in the same place with Minho a few days ago but now I'm disappointed that he's not here.

Just then, the door opens and I see the person I was looking for enter.

"Minho, you're finally here!"

His eyes widen for a second. "No, I'm not." He walks out hurriedly.

"Please wait!"

I fix my stuff and go after him. He's not so far and I got to catch up with his pace so I'm already walking beside him.

"Are you avoiding me?"

"Yes," he says without hesitation.


"Returning the favour."

"Minho, I'm sorry for avoiding you. I was just so nervous," I say.


"Can we, um-" I gulp to build up my courage. "Can we be friends?"

He stops for a moment to look at me with a frown.

"Since we're already seatmates, y-you know..." My courage dwindles into nothing at his stare. "...is that a bad idea?"

He continues walking, still frowning. "I already have friends."

"But... But the more the merrier, right?"

"Too handful."

"It's just me-"

"You know what?" He stops in his tracks and looks at me dead in the eyes. "I don't need friends, they disappoint me."

Then he walks away, leaving me stunned.

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