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Okay, maybe I overreacted.

"Dori, I feel guilty."

I groan as I remember how I talked back to my family earlier. I was just angry, but I never intended to disrespect them. I can't go back because I might snap again and I don't really want to go home yet... I'm still kind of mad.

Amnesia? That's such a big revelation! How can I be so calm knowing that I forgot major parts of my life? I forgot my friends, and I thought for the longest time that I didn't have any.

I shake my head as I walk around, hugging Dori close to me. Where should I go? I stop upon seeing the Mochi Cafe open. I thought they're only open until 8pm, it's clearly past 9 now.

I enter and see the biggest joke ever.

There's no one aside from the cats and Hyunjin who's occupying a whole table with papers and notes scattered on it. He's busy typing in his laptop while occasionally looking at the open television in the cafe which is playing a KDrama.

Priorities indeed.

"Why are you still open?"

He briefly looks up and greets me with a smile before returning to his business. "Hello there, Y/n and Dori! What brings you here? Too bad I can't serve you right now."

"It's fine, Hyunjin. How about you?" I ask as I sit beside him and watch him work. I let Dori play with the others. "Aren't you supposed to be closed an hour ago?"

"Well, I have a final assignment and the deadline is before 12:00. I can't work at the dorm because my dorm mates are too loud. I can't wait for college so I can finally move," he whines.

"Then why are you still watching Boys Over Flowers? You know she still chose Junpyo at the end. Tch. Bad boys always get picked."

He laughs at me and resumes typing. "Have you forgotten that KDrama is my happiness? Says the one who actually likes Minho-hyung."

"You can't blame me! Second leads just have that charm that always pulls me in. I don't get how they're so much better than the actual lead sometimes," I rant while helping him tidy his paperwork.

"So... if I'm the second lead, will you choose me too?" Hyunjin asks.

"Of course! We're not buddies for nothing," I reply. "But we're not in a KDrama though."

He shows me his eye smile as he types faster. "Too bad. I guess I'll just be the second lead who accepts everything and move on..." then he clicks save and grins at me. "...but isn't it better to fight for what you want?"

"Hyunjin, you're drowning in your KDrama feels too much."

"We'll see~"

He laughs and finally slams his laptop shut and stretches his limbs. I hand him his papers which are previously scattered everywhere. At last, he's finally done so we can watch the final episode peacefully.

"Graduation, here I come!"


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