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"Y/n! Are you alright now?" Jisung asks once he sees me exiting the gate.

"Yes. Thank you for taking care of me and Dori."

Jisung's the one who saw me unconscious last night when he returned Dori. He almost called the ambulance, but good thing Taeil-oppa came home before he rushed me to the hospital.

I had a really weird dream. I need to talk to Jungwoo next time because there's no way that those dreams, weird statements, and picture doesn't mean anything. For now, I just need to keep it to myself.

"You were hot last night," Jisung says then his eyes widen. "I meant your temperature!"

I giggle. "Yeah, I caught a mild fever."

"Seems like you got too tired hanging out with your new friends." He sighs and stops walking.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I said I'm your friend but I basically avoided you for the past weeks. I'm sorry, Y/n. I just didn't know how to act around you..."

"It's fine, Han. I'm always your Noona, okay? I know you have your own problems too. I understand." I pat his shoulder.

"I promise I won't avoid you again," he swears with his hand to his heart.

"We're good." I smile at him.

He smiles back and murmurs something. "It's time to move on."

"Move what?"

"Oh, we should move on if we don't wanna be late for the mass." He grins.

We start walking to the bus stop together. We're both going to the Sunday mass because it's been a while since we hung out.

I missed this squirrel, my little bro.


"Jisung, what else does Felix eat?" I ask as we both run to the convenience store.

"Just get him whatever. He'd even eat a banana peel." He laughs as we go to separate aisles so we can get a variety of snacks faster.

I'm running late to our dance practice that's why Jisung is helping me buy foods for my beloved leader, and of course for Minho. I don't want him to starve even if we're not exactly friends right now.

"I didn't know Felix can be serious about something." He snickers as I pay for the foods.

"He's really excited." I laugh. "It's fine, you can go home now."

"Nope. Taeil-hyung told me to walk you to the park in case you faint again."

"Aish... that oldie."

Jisung walks me to the park, more like we run to the park until we see Felix doing some little dance moves while waiting. He stopped and gives us a stern look.

"You're 10 minutes late, Y/n."

"Sorry... I brought you snacks?" I say and hold up the bags. He just raises his eyebrow at me. "And cheesesticks and sausages?"

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