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I entered the library as quietly as possible. Today, I have to read a couple of chapters from Romeo and Juliet because we're going to have a group report on Friday and I don't have any idea on what to do.

Good thing I was paired with Seungmin and Felix, at least there's a person who's responsible. By that, I was talking about Seungmin.

I spot Seungmin sitting nearby but Felix is nowhere. I wonder where he is.

"Surprise- ah fvck!"

I immediately cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing because Felix bumped his head on the table!

"Told you." Seungmin shakes his head in disapproval. "Why are we even friends? I'm pretty sure I didn't sign up for this."

"Harsh! Can't you see that I'm injured?" Felix fake-cries.

We immediately take our seats when the librarian cleared her throat and gave us a death glare.

"That was awesome, Lix." I giggle.

Felix replies with a groan as Seungmin slaps a bandaid on his forehead.

We start reading our own parts that Seungmin assigned. It didn't take long before my head starts spinning because of the confusing grammar and deep vocabularies.

What are these words?

"What does 'bite my thumb' means?" I ask them.

"Oh my, Y/n just cursed! So cute!"

"Huh?" I look at Felix confusedly.

"It means fvck you." Felix grins.

"Yah!" Seungmin's eyes widen and he raises his water bottle to hit Felix.

"What? She needs an answer!" Felix covers himself with a book.

The librarian clears her throat again but this time, it's louder. We settle on our seats and try to understand whatever we're reading.

I yawned because I couldn't understand anything so I take out my handkerchief to wipe my eyes, but I dropped it in the process when Felix accidentally bumped his arm with mine. We look at each other and giggle like kids because he dropped his pen too.

"I got it- ow!"

We hiss in unison because we bump our foreheads against each other that it created a faint thud. Felix groans and rubs his previous injury while I massage my nose because of the impact.

"Honestly, when will the both of you take this reporting seriously?" Seungmin sighs. "Stop playing around like stray kids."

"You're just too serious, Mr. Genius." Felix playfully sticks his tongue out. "Right, Y/n- shit!" He points at my face with wide eyes.

"Do I have dirt on my face?"

"See? This is what I was saying!" Seungmin nudges me and points to his nose.


"Your nose is bleeding."

"Huh?!" I dab my finger and he's not lying.

"I'm sorry, Y/n!" Felix pouts. "Don't tell Jisung about this, alright? Come on, I'll take you to the infirmary."

"I won't and no need." I shake my head and chuckle. "It was just an accident, don't worry."

I excused myself to go to the lavatory. When I got there, I wash my whole face and squeeze my nose to make sure. I was about to wipe it but I couldn't find my handkerchief. I sigh and just walk out with my face still wet because there's no tissue paper as well.



A guy bumped into me on my way out. He looks like someone from a manga because of his outfit. I guess he's an outsider since he's not wearing our uniform and I haven't seen him before.

"I mean I'm sorry." He bows.

"Oh no, it's fine." I return his bow and continue walking.

"Wait, Y/n!"

I turn to him with a questioning look. His eyes widen for a second before he points to my nameplate. That explains.


"Uhm, this must be yours." He shows me a hanky and hands it to me.

"Thank you! I was looking for this."

"No problem, just be careful," he says with a small smile and walks away.

I immediately fix myself and return to the library.

"Stop, stop, stop! Felix, you're doing it all wrong! It's like this, not like that."

I came back to Seungmin scolding Felix for something. They're folding coloured papers that we didn't have earlier.

"What's happening?" I ask as I take my seat.

"Oh, we're just making origami," Felix says.

"What is that?"

"You just fold papers and turn it to anything you want." He shrugs.

"Origami is the art of paper folding. The goal is to transform a flat square sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques," Seungmin explains.

"That's what I said." Felix pouts.

"I thought we're going to review for our report?"

"That can wait, we'll fail anyway," Seungmin replies and goes back to folding papers.

Here I thought he was the responsible one... He's not wrong though.

I join them with their origami and they teach me how to do the proper folding. Seungmin made a puppy, Felix did a cat, and I created a flower.

That's how we all procrastinated.

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