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"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home..."

I'm sitting at the library, trying to study a poem for my English class when I got stuck on a certain word.

"Wonderstruck?" I purse my lips in confusion. "What does that mean?"


I got startled when a deep voice suddenly speaks in front of me. I look up to see who it was and I saw my Australian classmate.

"Hey, Felix, why are you here?" I smile at him.

"Ugh! Seungmin's forcing me to study the last topic from English class. He's getting god-knows-what books for references with Jisung." He shakes his head. "The essays are not even due 'til next week."

"Um, tomorrow's the deadline..."

"No shi- oh, sorry." He grins sheepishly when he almost shouted a curse. "Well, I get smarter when I cram anyway."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go on."

"What does wonderstruck mean?"

"Oh, it's like a sudden feeling of delight. For example, when you meet someone or see something and you just find yourself oddly captivated."

"Oh, so the context in the poem was she was enchanted to meet him?"

"There you go, mate!" he says and I thank him for his explanation.

Felix and Seungmin are Jisung's friends. There are four of them but the other one studies at a different school. I'm not close with them but Felix talks to me sometimes while Seungmin is usually quiet. I've never seen the fourth member of their group.

After that, we went into our own businesses. That means Felix playing some video games on his phone and me reading vocabularies that almost got my nose bleeding. Five minutes passed and I just gave up. I'll just cram the conclusion for my essay later.

There's still time before vacant period ends so I just stayed at the library since I have a classmate here. It's better than waiting for nothing at the rooftop.

Random thoughts went in and out of my head as I watch the clock on the wall. I suddenly remember what Minho said yesterday-he's still not my friend. After what he said, it just made me want to be friends with him even more, but I don't know what to do.

I've never tried befriending anyone before because I'm too shy for my own good, but for some reason it all goes away when it comes to Minho. Maybe it's because we're seatmates.

I look at the boy in front of me who's just browsing through his phone. Maybe I could ask him, he seems really friendly.


"Hmm?" he asks as he looks at me.

"How do you make friends?"

He puts his phone down and focuses on my question. "Just go up to them and start a conversation."

I frown. That's exactly what I did but he didn't listen.

"But what if he doesn't want to talk?"

"Oh, it's a he. Are you sure you just wanna be friends?" He wiggles his eyebrows.


"Really?" He squints his eyes.

"Of course..." I feel my cheeks heat up.

"You're cute." He chuckles. "You know, why don't you bribe him with foods? They say the way to a man's heart is through his tummy. Try, ehem, cheesecake, ehem, and you'll get him in a heartbeat. Don't forget to buy me cheese sticks and sausages when my advice works, huh?" He winks.

"But he's lactose intolerant..." I murmur. His advice is not helpful at all.

"Who's cute?"

I look at the source of the voice and see Jisung with Seungmin who's carrying three books.

"Speaking of the devil. What took you so long?" Felix whines.

"Seungmin couldn't decide which books to borrow, but that's not important," Jisung says. "Did you just call noona cute?"

"No, bro, it's you." Felix grins.

"Bro..." Jisung wipes his nonexistent tears and sends a finger heart to Felix.

"Can we just go? The next class is about to start." Seungmin shakes his head and leads the way.

We all exited the library and I walk behind them, giggling at Felix and Jisung's random conversation while Seungmin keeps telling them that they sound stupid.

This feels nice, I hope I can have friends to be silly with too.

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