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I stopped by the convenience store to buy water because I need to calm my heart down. I finish half of it in one go and walk around the aisles to kill time when I see a familiar figure.

Chan is combing through his messy curls with a hand on his hip as he scans the ramen section sluggishly. He suddenly looks back and our eyes meet.

"Oi, Y/n!" He smiles and walks over.

"Hi, Chan. Are you okay?"

"I haven't slept yet but I guess so?" He sighs.

"Why are you here and not sleeping?"

"I'm buying dinner for me and Changbin before we hit the gym. A hungry Changbin is a force you do not want to cross."

I chuckle. "Not having enough sleep is unhealthy, you know?"

"Don't worry, I'm used to it. Now what are you doing here? On your way to Minho?" he teases.

My face immediately flush as thoughts of my seatmate returns to my mind. I scratch my nape and nod.

"Wait, for real?" Suddenly, Chan's sleepiness is gone as he looks at me in intrigue.

"I just stopped by before meeting him..."

"So this is why he doesn't want to go with us, huh?" He smirks.



"Can you tell me what specific foods Minho likes? He told me he doesn't have favourites so I have no idea. All I know is he likes things spicy."

"Don't worry, he'll eat whatever you offer him." He tilts his head as if thinking things thoroughly. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure whatever you give him."

Chan's answer is as helpful as Felix's friendship advice.

"I just wanted to buy snacks for later."

"Is this for a sleepover?"

I automatically smile. "That can't be because I have a curfew, but he said he'll take me to his favourite place!" I beam, and then cover my mouth upon realising that it's supposed to be a secret.

Chan also covers his mouth, gasping and his eyes widening, now very much awake. After recovering from shock, he smiles so widely and clamps my shoulder.

"I just know what you need. Go and get your thing, I'll meet you at the cashier." He pushes me to the snacks aisle then jogs to another with a basket in hand. I can hear him calling Changbin as he disappears behind the products.

I shrug and turn to the best section in the convenience store.

What crisps should I get? I hope they still have the Honey Buddha Chips since it's my favourite. They get sold out so quickly for some reason. I scan the shelves and smile in triumph when I spot the last stock. I'm so lucky!

"Oh my baby! Come on, I'm gonna eat you so good!"

I jump a little when a stranger reached for the pack of crisps at the same time with me. We turn to each other, letting go as the snack fall to the ground between us.



The tall guy in a hoodie looks at me with wide eyes and parted lips. I can see his cheeks turn pinkish as he bows a couple of times.

"S-Sorry! I didn't see you..." he says in a very soft voice.

"Sorry... I wasn't looking as well." I bow in return.

He stares at my face for a bit and it's my cheeks' turn to flare up in embarrassment.

"Oh, that was rude." He bows again and I immediately shake my head.

"No, it's okay."

We stand in front of each other awkwardly for a few seconds, not knowing what to do next, then we both bend down to reach for the fallen pack of crisps at the same time again.


He grabs my arm as we bump into each other and almost fall over.

"Are you okay?" He looks so concerned as we both steady ourselves. "Be careful."

We blink at each other in daze. A few seconds passed, then at the same time, we just start giggling at the unfortunate chain of events.

He offers the crisps to me. "You can take it."

"No, it's yours." I give it back. "You seem to like it very much."



"O-Oh?" His face seems to light up, then he clears his throat. "I'll give you something in exchange then," he says and starts rummaging through the pile of snacks in his basket.

"You don't have to!"

He shakes his head. "I insist and it's already paid."

I couldn't help but nod. His voice is really soft... and he looks really soft. Half of his face is almost covered by the shadow of his hood, but I can still clearly make out how delicate his features are.

"Thank you."

"I'm Jungwoo." He gives me a cone of ice cream, smiling a little. "Welcome..."

I accept it with both hands and smile back. I bow to Jungwoo as I take my leave, grabbing a few spicy-flavoured snacks and PhD Pepper for Minho.

I arrived at the cashier only to see Chan paying for lots of bottled water and energy drinks. He also took my stuff and paid for me. We walk out of the convenience store with him carrying the bags with a really big grin.

"Do gym-goers really need all that?"

His grin widens even more. "Oh, it's for you."

"Is Minho taking me to the gym?!"

I almost had a heart attack, good thing Chan shook his head before it happened. I've never done any exercise except for eating so I don't know if I can survive going there.

"Nah but trust me, you'll need it. Especially this one." He slips a little packet of something in the bag so fast that I couldn't see, snickering to himself. "Just to be safe."

"What for?"

"I'm not sure about that but one thing's for certain with Minho, you'll have yourself out of breath and dripping with sweat."

I frown in confusion. What could he mean by that?

"Looks like we're here now," Chan says as we stop in front of the park entrance, handing me the bag of goodies. "Don't look inside, just give it to him."

"Okay! Thank you for paying and for walking me here." I smile at him.

"Actually, I should be the one thanking you."

"But I didn't do anything?"

"You've done so much..." He smiles softly, unlike his usual playful one. "I'm really glad that you came into Minho's life. I like him better when he's with you. Thank you for believing in him."

The nice funny sensation in my tummy is back again, and it travels through my whole body at his words.

"Of course, Minho's worth it. You guys are too." I smile shyly.

"Aww, now I'm not so sure if that grumpy cat still deserves you." He pats my head then starts walking back. "Gotta go, Changbin's hungry ass is probably throwing a tantrum now."

I wave at him as I watch him go his way.

I must've saved a god in my past life for me to have friends like them. I'm so glad I'm surrounded by such nice people.

Suddenly, Chan turns his head back as if he forgot something.

"Y/n!" he calls. "Be careful, huh? Minho might be tame now but he won't hesitate to bite if it's you!" Then he runs off, almost tripping and dying from his own laughter.

Okay, maybe not so nice people.

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