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I sighed as I neatly put the last folder on top of Mr. Ho's desk. I immediately went out of the Maths department without looking back.

At last!

I never thought that cleaning a teacher's table would be hard. I would never do it again, I'd rather go to detention than suffer arranging papers with formulas and equations.

The sky is turning dark now considering the sun had already set. I badly want to go home and just collapse on my bed. I hope the bus didn't leave yet.

As I was walking to the locker area, I saw someone being cornered by two other guys. I squinted my eyes to see clearly because the person looks familiar.

Wait... That's Minho.

What are they doing?

My eyes widened when I saw one of the guys pushed Minho to the lockers.

At moments like this, I'm usually freaking out. Right now? I am. I don't know what to do, maybe I should just run?

I did run, but then I accidentally looked back and I saw the other guy aiming his fist at Minho. I don't know what got into me but I did the stupidest thing ever.


They all stopped and looked at my direction at the same time. Minho gave me a questioning look, but I can't enlighten him because I'm just as confused by my own actions. I clasp my trembling hands together to contain myself.

I just proved that I've finally lost my sanity. Why did I even do that?

"Wow! Now we have your little girlfriend to the rescue?" One of the thugs says in a mocking tone, breaking my contact from Minho's eyes.

"That's so cute! Maybe we could play with her instead?" Thug 2 says.

I take a step back with my heart beating so fast as they start walking towards me. Minho's cold stare turn into a frown as his gaze darts to my shaking arms.

I didn't notice that the guys were already in front of me until I was pushed to the ground. Tears begin to form in my eyes and I desperately try to hold them back to no avail.

"I didn't know Minho would go for a crybaby!" They laugh at my face.

"Hey, watch where your hands go. Unless you want them gone?"

Their laughter suddenly died down when Minho finally speaks.

"Look at this. Now you're the one saving your little girlfriend?"

Minho smirks and walks towards us as he stretch his neck, then his lips fell and his eyes suddenly turn into slits, giving the guys a piercing glare.

"You know girls? They shouldn't be played with by ugly fvckers like you who clearly have no fvcking idea on what they're asking for." He cracks his knuckles which made a popping sound. "You want to fvcking fight? There's no motherfvcking backing out now."

Minho quickly punched the guy straight on the face who stumbled and fell to the ground. He kicked the other one on the stomach who also fell down. They must be seeing stars now.

"I'll count to three and if you bastards are still here-" Minho was not able to finish his sentence because the thugs were already gone even before he starts counting. "Tsk, cowards."

I look at him in awe which I know I shouldn't be doing right now, but can you blame me? I just witnessed a gang fight for the first time in my entire life!

I snapped into reality when I saw a hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What is this?" I ask, looking up at Minho who's offering his hand.

"Something to slap yourself back to consciousness," he says as he rolls his eyes. "Aren't you getting up?" He asks impatiently.

"Oh," I took his hand and he pulls me up.

After that, the both of us just stood there in awkward silence for a good minute.

"Thank you, Minho," I told him to break the silence.

He didn't reply but I see him nod.

"I need to go, it's getting pretty late. See you tomorrow."

"Y/n, wait."

I froze on my spot when I heard him call me. It's the first time that he ever mentioned my name. I thought he only knew me as no-show girl.


He points at my arm. "You have a scratch."

I look at it and he wasn't lying. Wow, I didn't feel it earlier until he pointed it out.

"Oh, it's fine," I say.

He rolls his eyes and pulls me by my wrist.

"W-Where are you taking me?"

He didn't respond and he just keeps on pulling me with him. A few seconds later, he suddenly stops which caused me to bump onto his back.

"Ow..." I wince as I rub my nose.

I look in front of me to see that we're outside the clinic. Minho checks if the door was locked, but it just opened right away.

"Let's go," he says and pulls me inside by my wrist once again.

He made me sit on the bed then he went towards the shelves and rummages through it. He came back with something on his hand and went to sit beside me.

"Hand," he says out of the blue.


"Don't tell me you injured your head too?" He looked at me in disbelief and went for my scratched arm.

"Oh, yes, my bruise... Sorry."

He shakes his head before opening an ointment and starts dabbing it on my arm with a cotton.


"What did you expect, pleasure? Stay still."


He blows on the scratch once in a while to lessen the burn but I don't know why my cheeks feel hot instead. I never expected to be in this situation with Minho. He may not be gentle, but he's still treating my wound.

He looks so serious right now with his furrowed eyebrows as he keeps his focus on what he's doing. I look away when I begin noticing how long his lashes are and how tall his nose is. He might think I'm rude for staring at him again.

"There," he says after putting a bandaid on the scratch and he finally lets go of my arm.

He stood up and went for the door. "Don't stay out too late and go home. Be careful." Then he went out.

Was that really Minho? I didn't know he has that side of him.

I like it.

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