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The weekend passed by like a blur where I spent the whole time crying over sad romance movies. I suddenly want to become a doctor because of those diseases that stopped their love stories, but when I think of how much studying I need to do I just think it's their fate and I shouldn't intervene with it.

Jisung looks at me with shock plastered on his face when I passed by him. I sigh as I cover my face even more.


"I know I look ridiculous." I puff my cheeks in embarrassment.

His cheeks redden as he shakes his head. "N-No! You look... the opposite of ridiculous, but I'm not saying just to me! In general, of course, like for everyone."

"Huh?" I mutter a small thanks even when I didn't get it before scurrying away.

When I enter the classroom, my face immediately burns as I feel my classmates looking at me. Do I look that bad?

I made a mistake when I accidentally clicked on that random "how to cut your own bangs" video that magically appeared on my phone. I'm bored and the scissors suddenly showed itself to me.

"New hair, new me!" Felix comments and I just shake my head.

I freeze on my steps when I see Minho looking at me. Why do we have to be seatmates? I sigh before eventually going to my seat. Once I settle down I immediately open a book that happens to be Maths. How great.

A pen suddenly rolls to my side of the desk. I take it and look at Minho.

"Yours?" I ask quietly.

He didn't answer and he's just blinking at me with a dazed look and red ears. I got conscious and feel my face heating up for the umpteenth time so I return to my book and busy myself with some deadly Maths.

"Thanks," I hear him mutter.

That's it? He won't even try to talk to me? It seems like he's okay with me not trying to get his attention every time... I'm such a fool.

From now on, I won't go after him anymore.


"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye," I recite.

Seungmin looks at me weirdly before looking at Felix then back at me. The three of us are grouped again for an English activity where we need to relate a children's book into a real life situation. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is assigned to us.

"Who are you and why are you suddenly studying?" Seungmin asks.

"Can't I read?"

"Why do you suddenly have a British accent? Are you sure you're Y/n?" Felix adds.

"I binged Harry Potter yesterday," I tell them and they both nod at the same time with their mouths forming an 'o'. "Is it that surprising that I know how to read? Aren't we here at school to study?" They both nod again.

"It's just weird to see you so serious and immersed in reading, but it's not a bad thing," Seungmin explains.

"Yeah, you even cut your hair. Are you heartbroken or something?" Felix snickers while I pout.

It's funny how I'm reading an excerpt that's about friendship. Is being studious a side effect of being heavyhearted? My head hurts right now.

"It's your own fault," said the Little Prince. "I never wished you any sort of harm; but you wanted me to tame you..."

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