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The two of us are side by side at the bus stop after school.

"Let's Netflix and Chill at my house."

"What?" Minho blinks repeatedly.

"My account will go to waste if I won't use it," I tell him and he suddenly glares.

"Don't ever tell that to anyone else," he says and pinches my cheeks rather aggressively. "Do you live in a cave, huh? You should know what those terms mean in this day and age."

"I don't use my phone that much. My parents are convinced that it's the cause of all the illnesses in the world and LASIK is scary," I reply. "Jeongin's the one who mostly uses it. We watch cooking shows, mukbang, and ASMR."

I refuse to return to those years of wearing funky-looking glasses. KDrama was the main reason why I used my phone, but my love for my pretty boys soared high at the same time with my eye grade.

Speaking of, I wonder when my baby cousin would visit. Dori and I miss him.

Minho sighs defeatedly. "You're so naïve."

"Chan suggested it to me though? He said we'd enjoy it very much."

"I unfortunately have to meet with the guys." He smirks. "Let's do it next time. You better be ready because I won't hold back."

"It's fine, I'll let you be in charge!" I beam at him. "Let's have ramen too!"

I guess I'll have to be alone then. It's alright, Loner Y/n needs to come out from time to time too.

The bus arrives and before I enter, I dare to take Minho's hand in mine.

"Whatever you'll do, just take care." I blush as I squeeze his hand one last time before entering the bus and going home.

He'll probably look for her again. I don't like how she's occupying his time, but I know I'm just being selfish. Besides, we're not together yet. Not for long though because I think I'm ready.

I'm going to claim what's mine.


I stroll through the cute shops along the street. It's the weekend and I'm hanging out with myself. Well, I'm not really alone because I have Dori with me.

The two of us will go window shopping and I will try to find some stuff for him. I want to spend my time with Dori so we can get closer because he seems more into Jeongin. Even if it's Minho who originally wanted him, I immediately learned to love my cat. He's like a baby to me and he makes me happy whenever I miss my little cousin.

Dori reminds me of Minho. I don't know why, but I think they kind of look alike. My thoughts are weird sometimes.

"Where can I find that beret?" I murmur to myself while looking around. I really want Soonie's beret that Minho showed me.

Dori's head peaks from the cat carrier and looks around as well. He then purrs towards a red bow.

"You want that?" I scratch his chin and head to the cashier to pay for the ribbon. I immediately put it around his neck and coo at how cute he is. "You're the second cutest baby I know," I tell him. Jeongin is the first.

We exit the shop and walk towards the nearby park. I take my seat at a bench beside a tree because I got tired walking around. Dori sits on my lap as I feed him.

"Meow," he purrs as I scratch his chin.

"Let's take a picture and I'll show it to your twin." I snicker at the thought of tying a red bow around Minho's neck.

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