He turns into a sparkling

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This morning when you were waking up you felt something kind of small but heavy on you.

When your E/c eyes opened you saw a small red Cybertroinian sleeping on you while using your breasts as a pillow.

You instantly blushed when you realized it was Knockout using your breasts as a pillow, however you didn't know why he was so tiny until you saw Breakdown looking at you with his one yellow optic.

Knockout then woke up and grinned at you.

"Breakdown, why is Knockout so small?" You asked Breakdown.

"There was an incident in Shockwave's lab and Knockout got turned into a sparkling." Breakdown said.

"What's a sparkling?" You asked Breakdown curiously.

"A sparkling is a baby Cybertroinian." Breakdown replied.

"So, Knockout was turned into a baby?" You asked.

"Yes, and I decided since you human femmes love cute things that you would want to take care of him." Breakdown said.

"Um, sure, I'll try my best." You said.

"Good, I'll be back in about an hour with a bottle of low grade energon with the cure inside." Breakdown said as he left Knockout's berthroom.

You tried to get Knockout's helm off of your breasts but he started whimpering.

"Okay, it's okay, please don't cry." You said to Knockout as he hugged you.

Knockout seemed to be about the size of a human two year old.

You picked Knockout up and went downstairs so you could at least get something to eat.

Knockout however didn't want you to put him down so you only managed to grab an apple out of your fridge.

You then remembered that Knockout had brought you another box of stuff that had a toy car inside it.

You grabbed the toy car and showed it to Knockout whose optics widened a little bit.

You then set Knockout on the living room floor and handed him the toy car.

"Vroom vroom!" Knockout said as he ran the toy car along the floor.

You quickly got yourself something to drink and went back to your living room and found Knockout still playing with the toy car.

When Knockout saw you he tried to stand up but quickly fell down again so he crawled to you and you picked him up.

"Awww, your so super CUTE!" You said and Knockout smiled at you.

You went upstairs to do your morning routine and set Knockout in your bedroom and you quickly brushed your teeth and hair.

When you got back to your bedroom however you didn't see Knockout, but you did see a lump under your blanket.

"Hmm, I wonder where Knockout went?" You asked out loud.

After a few minutes you went to your bed and lifted your blanket off of Knockout who started giggling.

You then got your laundry into a basket and took it to your laundry room and Knockout followed you.

Once you started the washer Knockout looked in and saw the soap and water wash your clothes.

"Oooo." Knockout said in amazement.

You then placed Knockout in your empty laundry basket and pulled it with Knockout inside and made race car sounds while pulling it around your bedroom with Knockout gigging.

After a while you took Knockout back downstairs and set him down on the living room floor again.

After a while Knockout started getting sleepy and thankfully Breakdown came in with the cure.

"So, all I have to do is give him the bottle?" You asked Breakdown.

"Yep, then he'll be back to normal when he wakes up." Breakdown replied.

You cradled Knockout and gave him the bottle in which he emptied within a few minutes and then fell asleep.

You quickly grabbed your mini datapad and took a few pictures of Knockout before Breakdown carefully placed him on his berth.

"Thanks Breakdown." You said.

"No problem Y/n." Breakdown said as he left Knockout's room again.

After about another hour Knockout had grown back to his normal size and woke up.

"Y/n, I just had the strangest dream that I turned into a sparkling." Knockout said.

"It wasn't a dream." You said.

"Wait....I really did turn into a sparkling?" Knockout asked.

"Yes, and you were the most adorable, not to mention the first, sparkling I have ever seen, you were way cuter than a human baby." You said.

"Well, Cybertroinian sparklings are very hard to resist not to mention I was adorable from day one." Knockout said with a smirk.

You then told Knockout about what you and him did while he was a sparkling.

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