He meets your parents

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You had finally contacted your parents after more than a year and they were coming to visit you and meet Knockout.

When they arrived you let them in the house and they both hugged you tightly.

"Y/n, we were so worried when you dissapeared, we thought that boy you went out with killed you." Your mom said.

"Don't worry mom, I'm alright, although I need to tell you both something and you can't tell anyone about it." You said.

"Okay." Your mom and dad said.

"That boy I went with isn't human, he's an alien called a Cybertroinian from a planet called Cybertron." You said.

"Wait, aren't they the ones who destroyed Jasper, Nevada?" Your dad asked.

"Yes, but Knockout didn't really agree with Megatron's idea of destroying the Earth." You said.

"Y/n, if you were any younger I'd ground you." Your mom said sternly.

"I know and I'm so sorry for not contacting you." You said.

"The important thing is you're alive and doing well." Your mom said.

Just then Knockout came back home and saw your parents.

"Are you Knockout?" Your dad asked Knockout.

"Yes sir, I am." Knockout said.

"My daughter seems happy with you but if you do anything to hurt Y/n you will regret it." Your dad threatened Knockout.

"I understand sir." Knockout said nervously.

That night you told your parents about your time on the Nemesis and how you ended up getting Angel and how Knockout came back all the way from Cybertron just for you and your parents told you that they had the police searching for you and your friends were all worried about you.

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