First kick, again

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You and Knockout were cuddling on the couch while Ace and Scarlet were watching a movie when you suddenly felt something kick you in your stomach.

"Are you alright, Doll?" Knockout asked you.

"Yes, but the baby just kicked me, that's all." You replied.

"Wait, the sparkling....I mean baby kicked you?" Knockout asked you as he looked at your belly.

"Yes, and it's actually kinda painful." You said.

Knockout placed his hand on your belly and the baby kicked his hand.

"Primus, that baby has quite a kick." Knockout said as he smiled.

"Mama, what's going on?" Scarlet asked you.

"The baby kicked." You replied.

"Can we feel?" Asked Ace.

"Yes." You said as you held the hem of your F/c shirt up enough to expose your baby bump.

Ace was the first one to feel the baby kick but he only looked at your stomach in confusion.

Scarlet was next but when the baby kicked her hand she smiled.

"Wow, I can't believe that the baby can kick." Scarlet said.

"Did we kick while we were in your belly?" Ace asked you.

"Yes, although you kept pressing against my bladder, Ace." You replied.

"Sorry." Ace said.

"It's okay." You told Ace.

You all went back to watching the movie that Ace and Scarlet had picked.

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