You meet Breakdown

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Knockout had managed to get Breakdown to meet you and Breakdown promised to not tell anyone on the Nemesis in fear that Megatron would kill you. Breakdown still didn't trust humans after what MECH did to him but was curious about you.

"So, what's her name again?" Breakdown asked Knockout.

"Her name is Y/n." Knockout said to Breakdown.

Once they arrived at Knockout's berthroom they quickly went in and Knockout locked the door. You were waiting at your kitchen table and both Knockout and Breakdown activated their holoforms and sat down at the table.

"So you must be Breakdown." You said.

"Yeah, and you're Y/n, Knockout has told me a lot about you." Breakdown said as he shook your hand.

You and Breakdown surprisingly got along pretty well and talked about a lot of stuff including the places you both had been. After a couple of hours though Breakdown had to leave so no one would be suspicious about what Breakdown was doing in Knockout's berthroom.

"Well, I'm glad to see you both get along." Knockout said with a smile.

"Yeah, he seems nice., You said.

"By the way, I made you a mini datapad." Knockout said as he handed you a human sized datapad.

"Thank you so much Knockout." You said as you hugged his holoform.

"I just didn't want you to be bored while I'm in the med bay." Knockout said.

Knockout then went to the med bay.

                      ~ Bonus ~

Soundwave was looking at the security camera near Knockout's berthroom and saw both Knockout and Breakdown hurry into Knockout's room and saw that they didn't come out until a couple of hours later.

"Soundwave, what's wrong?" Megatron asked Soundwave.

Soundwave then showed Megatron that Knockout and Breakdown were in Knockout's berthroom for a couple of hours with the door locked.

"I see, it's a good thing that I made sure all the berthrooms on the Nemesis are soundproof." Megatron said.

Soundwave nodded his helm in agreement.

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