Bottle feeding

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It had been a week since you and Knockout had brought Ace and Scarlet home from the hospital. You both decided to try feeding them with a bottle so that he could feed them in the middle of the night so that you could sleep. Right now you were using your breast pump to get Ace and Scarlet's lunch ready while Knockout was outside getting energon and probably buffing himself. His holoform had appeared inside and saw you pouring the milk from the breast pump into the two bottles. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck which made a shiver go down your spine.

"K-Knockout, I see your back." You said.

"Yes, and I've missed you." Knockout said seductively.

"You know that we can't do that yet, at least not for another couple of weeks." You told him seriously.

"Yes, I know, and I can't wait till we can." Knockout sighed.

You both went into the living room where Ace and Scarlet were in a playpen. You picked Scarlet up and Knockout got Ace and you both sat on the couch and you gave Scarlet her bottle.

"Why isn't Ace taking his bottle?" Knockout asked you.

"You're holding him wrong." You said.

"I knew that." Knockout said awkwardly.

He finally got Ace to drink the milk in his bottle and he couldn't help but smile at his son.

"Y/n, have you noticed that Ace and Scarlet have grown a little?" Knockout asked you.

"Yes, they have." You replied.

Scarlet had finished her bottle so you grabbed one of the burp cloths, put it on your shoulder and burped Scarlet.
Soon Ace finished his bottle and Knockout put him over his shoulder and burped him, unfortunately he had forgotten the burp cloth and Ace had spit up a tiny bit on his shoulder.
You tried to hide your giggle as you saw Knockout's expression as he looked at his shoulder.

"You might want to clean that off." You told to Knockout.

"Okay, now that was disgusting." Knockout said as he gagged a little.

He handed Ace to you and went to go change his holoform's shirt. Ace and Scarlet both cooed at Knockout when he came back and he took Scarlet from you and let her hold his finger.

"Even though they leak gross fluids I still love them." Knockout said.

"Don't worry, in a couple of years they'll stop doing that." You said.

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