You give birth

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"You better hurry up because they want out right now!" You said as you felt another contraction.

"I'm already going over the speed limit." Knockout said.

Once Knockout made it to the hospital some nurses came out with a wheelchair and Knockout helped you out of his alt mode and into the wheelchair and the nurses wheeled you into the hospital and into the room you would be staying in.

Knockout checked in and went to the room that he reserved for you and he heard you scream in pain as you got a very painful contraction.

"Ah Doctor Knockout, you finally made it." The doctor said as she greeted Knockout as they went into the room.

Knockout sat down in the chair next to the hospital bed that you were in and held your hand.

"How are you feeling Doll?" Knockout asked you.


After about five hours of labor you heard a loud cry as your son came out first, and you found out that he was the one who was pressed against your bladder.

One of the nurses took him to wash him and make sure that he was healthy.

Soon you heard another cry as your daughter was born. Another nurse too her to wash her and make sure that she was healthy.

The nurse who had your son had handed him to you in a blue blanket. He had Knockout's skin tone and red hair and when he opened his eyes you saw that he had your eye color.

When the second nurse came back she handed your daughter, who was in a pink blanket, to you.

She looked exactly like her brother but she had Knockout's red eyes.

"Which one do you want to hold first?" You asked Knockout.

"I want to hold our son." Knockout said as he took your son. Knockout let him hold his finger and Knockout started to cry.

"Are you crying Knockout?" You asked Knockout.

"Who me? Cry?" Knockout asked as a tear went down his cheek.

You smiled as you fed your daughter who made little noises as she drank the milk you produced.

"What are their first, middle and last names?" The doctor asked you and Knockout.

"For our son , Ace, Blake, Knockout." Knockout said as the doctor wrote your son's name on a birth certificate.

You knew that Blake was the name that Breakdown had given his holoform.

You also knew that Knockout used his Cybertroinian name as his last name for his holoform.

"And for our daughter, Scarlet, Sadie, Knockout." You said as the doctor wrote your daughter's name on another birth certificate.

The doctor gave Knockout the birth certificates and gave you, Knockout and your twins some privacy.

"They're so perfect." You said.

"Yes, they are, I'm so happy to finally meet them." Knockout said as he cried again.

Knockout handed Ace to you and you handed Scarlet to Knockout.

Scarlet took Knockout's finger in her tiny hand and gripped it.

After a while both Ace and Scarlet fell asleep and Knockout kissed you and he went to the cafeteria to get you both something to eat.

Meanwhile you looked at Ace and Scarlet and smiled as they occasionally made little noises as they slept.

Soon Knockout got back with the food and you both ate.

"How are they?" Knockout whispered to you.

"They're asleep." You whispered back.

You and Knockout started quietly eating, although you couldn't wait to take Ace and Scarlet home, and then eat some real food.

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