An attack

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WARNING!!!!!! There is a slight BLOOD scene in this chapter !!!!

And a long with the blood comes a little bit of angst!!!!!

So if you don't like reading that kind of stuff then LEAVE !!!!!


Knockout had the day off of work so after he got home from dropping Ace, Scarlet and Ivy off at school he came home.

Knockout activated his holoform and you ran out to greet him.

Unfortunately neither of you saw the Decepticon who was watching both of you.

"So, can we have some 'fun' today?" Knockout asked you.

"Yes, after all, it has been two weeks since we got a night to ourselves." You replied as you kissed Knockout.

"Okay, let me just go to the garage and get some energon." Knockout said as he deactivated his holoform to go to the garage and drink an energon cube.

The Decepticon took the opportunity to pounce on you since Knockout's back was turned.

"KNOCKOUT!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!" You screamed as the Decepticon held you tightly.

"Oh shut up, fleshy!" The Decepticon , of who you knew was Steeljaw, said as he squeezed you.

Knockout came running and he saw Steeljaw holding you.

"Let her go Steeljaw!" Knockout said.

Steeljaw smirked as he nearly crushed you to death with his servo before dropping you on the ground.

When you hit the ground your head hit a rock hard and an awful crack was heard.

"You MONSTER!!!" Knockout yelled at Steeljaw.

"Deal with it, trator!" Steeljaw said as he transformed and drove away.

Knockout was horrified when he saw quite a bit of blood leaking from your mouth and skull.

"Y/n....please answer me!" Knockout begged you as he gently picked you up, not caring that you were bleeding all over his servos.

"H-hey K-Knockout.......w-what h-happened?" You asked Knockout in a weak voice.

"Steeljaw attacked you." Knockout replied as he felt energon tears well up in his optics.

"A-am I g-going t-to d-die?" You suddenly asked Knockout.

"No, y-you can't.....I won't let you!" Knockout replied as he felt himself cry.

"K-Knockout....i-if I-I d-do d-die....p-please tell o-our k-kids t-that I-I'll b-be w-watching o-over t-them and y-you f-from....h-heaven." You said.

You felt the blood seeping from your skull and onto Knockout's digits.

You then fell unconscious and your breathing slowed down a little and Knockout carefully transformed around you and took you to the scrap yard.

When Knockout arrived he told Bumblebee what had happened.

Thankfully Knockout had managed to convince Bumblebee to bring a Cybertroinian Femme's body back from Cybertron after Bee and his team fought the council.

Denny carefully got you out of Knockout's alt mode and got you to the med bay.

Knockout and Fix-it hooked you up to a machine so that Knockout could transfer you to the Femme's body.

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