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[20 Minutes later]

Thrown across the room yet again. Damien's body and muscles ached. His fight with the Emperor was proving to be too much and that he was not strong enough. Groaning he once again got to his feet, only to be met with a fist to his nose. He fell back and suddenly could not feel his nose.

Why am I so weak.... What would my biological parents think...?

Damien slowly rolled to his knees, a common executing position in the Empire as the Emperor chuckled.

"I have to give props, that was actually fun! Too bad you're nothing compared to me. But at least you know how to accept defeat. Good bye Damien, may you never return~"

With that, Barrack pulled Damien's head back and held a dagger at his neck, the blade already drawing blood.

Is this really the end...?

Damien softly wept and gave in, not even attempting to think of all he had failed on yet again. But wait! He didn't die last time. Maybe their was hope!

That hope became a reality when he heard the elevator ding and multiple shouts of soldiers rushing in. Barrack froze then quickly took off, a bunch of sparks following him as he made his escape into the next room, the soldiers following close behind.

Damien left of a huge sign of relief as he was then suddenly met with a pair of arms hugging him from behind. Frozen in shock and confusion, he then recognized a familiar scent. An old but familiar scent. A scent he had longed to be in the presence of for a long time.

"M-mom...?" He croaked out as the arms tighten around him.

"I'm here son..." She kissed his cheek and held him tightly in her arms.

Do you feel the love? It feels good huh? You are 1/3 of the way before I reveal myself.

The way the voice talked made him uneasy but he decided to worry about it later. He felt good in his mother's arms and though they were just reunited, he would gladly and proudly kill/die for her.



Lmao lemme stop before she give me demerits XD

Who/What's the voice in Damien's head? What does the voice mean by 1/3 and what's the other 2/3s? What happened to the Emperor???

Find out in the next Chapter!! Much love to those who have waited patiently! Also, I SEE YOU BABYSIS! I SEE YOU MOTHER! I FUCKING LOVE YOU GUYS!


The Story of Damien the Great {[DISCONTINUED]}Where stories live. Discover now