XXX Unleashed

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Matthew cautiously approached Damien. He had a stick of wood in his hand, ready to strike at any second. Just as he was 4 ft away, Damien looked up.

His aura was still there. His eyes were of that of a husky. Only, they were black and red. Matthew looked behind Damien his eyes growing as he thought he saw a large snake, but it was only a long, spiked tail that was as sharp as it could be.

He's not only large in the back...... OKAY STOP LMAO

Matthew swallowed and decided to "take a step back". Little did he know that he fucked up.

Damien sprung forward and tackled Matthew down before beginning dig his claws into his chest, ripping his shirt and chest apart. Matthew let out soul stopping screams as Damien went to work, which caused Taylor to scream at what she was seeing. Damien hopped off of him and began to circle him, growling and daring him to get up. Matthew didn't know what was going on, but he got up holding his chest just as Damien was behind him. Damien took this as a challenge and wrapped his tail around Matthew's neck, lifting him off his feet. The spikes were pushing against his neck, putting pressure against some of his wind pipes.

The choking sounds of Matthew were becoming to much for Taylor as she then scurried off from under the bed.


Damien froze for a split second before turning his head ever so slightly at her.

"Please! Damien let him go..." Taylor pleaded.

Damien's voice wasn't his own, but it was Xan's voice. "First you wanted me to go, Now you want me to let him go? I don't know what you want me to do, so I will carry out my own tasks."

With that, he begins walking towards the door when his back begins to shudder. He quickly turns around and put Matthew in the way just as a chair exploded onto his.

"AW FUCK!" Matthew screamed out. Taylor covered her mouth.

Damien tighten his squeezed on his neck. "Language you."

"Please him down!!" Taylor whined, dropping to her knees.

"Well you see, when you put an animal "down", you what?" Xan's voice asked.

Taylor's eyes grew. Matthew choked out, "Oh god, please don't.."

"Maybe if you were nicer..." Damien's tail tighten as hard as it could before a loud snap fill the house, "I would've reconsidered."

Matthew's body dropped to the floor and Taylor scream as loud as she could before crawling over and crying over the lifeless body. Damien squatted down in front of them and watched. "Do you regret?"

Taylor looked up, then back at Matthew, then back at Damien before nodded slowly. "I do regret..."

"What do you regret?"

"Meeting you..." She said, getting angry. "Get... GET OUT!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, poor choice of  words" Damien said before his tail rubbed against her face teasingly, her eyes growing wide.


"Now, it's your turn."

The Story of Damien the Great {[DISCONTINUED]}Where stories live. Discover now