Tour of le Expedition

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It's been 2 whole days and yet I still remember fucking the living shit out of Miami. I'm pretty sure at this rate that I might get her pregnant. I really need to start using protection...

Anyway, I was at the shipyard waiting on the tour with rest of B-Fleet. Everyone was here excluding Mama (doing officer work), Garner and George (Idk what they doing), and Miami and Abby. I knew why Miami wasn't here. After she came home and told me what her and Abby did to Blake, I just had to punish her. Now she was immobilized and judging from the smug look on his face, Abby was too. When he directed his gaze to me, we both nodded. I smirked before we both started laughing to ourselves. Now we just needed a plan to get them back.

"WELCOME B-FLEET!" A Sgt said. I was technically a rank higher than high. He was a Staff Sergeant but you know, I won't say nothing. This is his turf so I'll be in the tour instead of going off on my own. "Thanks to Tech Sergeant Damien, who scheduled this tour, you will be the second and hopefully rightful Fleet that will be taking care of this beauty. Now before we begin, I would like to ask who are all specialized in engineering?"

34 out of the 42 soldiers in our fleet raised their right fists.

"Excellent! I will now ask those of you that have raise their hands to form up into 7 groups of 4 and 2 groups of 3." After a few minutes, everyone was formed up. "Now all groups of 7 will be paired up with 2 Sergeants. The 2 groups of 3 will follow the rest of us as they will be tasked with maintaining the control room, or for short 'The Bridge'."

We went our respectful ways. Me, Colton, Garner, Josh, 3 other people, and the 2 groups of engineers were all heading to the Bridge. Whenever Abby and Miami decided to join us, I know that they aren't engineers so they'll join us. Speaking of joining, me and Abby worked our magic and got Miami into Bravo Fleet. It took a lot of convincing and physical work (Can you guess who did the convincing and who did the physical?) but we finally got Major to allow it.

The Tour Sgt opened the hatch and revealed the Bridge and all it's technical beauty.

"This is the brain of the entire ship. Here lies the navigational system, the Admiral quarters, and most of the confidential files for all the personnel on the ship. Of course, there is nothing here yet since we are still 2 months away from launch but that doesn't mean you can't start bringing your belongings on board Admiral." He says, looking at me.

I offer a small smile and nod before heading to the Admiral quarters. It was actually quite spacey. As he said, there was literally nothing in here but I counted that at least 3 rooms as well as an office area.

Okay, so that mean I can have my closest friends in her. I immediately began thinking of appointing a cabinet of 5 people. Me, Miami, Abby, and Blake were going to definitely be up here. Me and Blake can train together while Abby and Miami trained together. Sleeping arrangements between us were already decided, even though we didn't need to even bring that up. The only downside is, who was going to get the 3rd room? I could give it to Mama but Major said there was a chance she was going to be Admiral of Ares. I could appoint Colton, but I doubt he'd want to share a room with George. Maybe Garner and George? I don't know Josh well enough so he was out. I guess it was George and Garner. Though I had nothing against gays, I really don't want to hear them when they think everyone is sleep. But then again, I doubt they'd want to hear Miami and Abby. Me and Blake talked and we hatched a plan at get back at them. They think not being able to walk was our plan but in reality, that wasn't even close. I chuckle to myself, thinking about the future. After 2 months, they definitely wont be expecting it. I close my eyes and smile.

Our tour ended and I tasked everyone to write an evaluation of what they learned. They all nodded and said their goodbyes before heading off in various directions. I head home and went straight to the office to begin work on jobs on the Expedition.

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