Unexpected Surprise

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Me and Miami check into the front desk and then use the elevator to go up to Abby's floor. Upon exiting the elevator, Blake pushed past us furiously and stood in the elevator literally punching the lobby button.

"Blake..." Miami quietly said as the elevator closed. I wanted to badly to kick his ass for his rudeness but then I wondered what he could be so upset about that he'd leave Abby alone.

I look at Miami then nod to Abby's room. "I want you to go in first. Find out why Blake is mad. If you don't think I'll get mad then invite me in, otherwise tell me to leave. I'd rather not know that be mad at her. But then again, I can't really see what could be so bad besides an STD. Unless....


It's been an hour since Miami been inside. I took a nap then woke up when I got hungry. I look at the selections of the vending machine, thinking of which one I would enjoy the most. I finally decided to get an iced honey bun, unwrapping it and biting into the delicious goodness.

I then felt slight vibrations on my back and I tensed until they went away and was replaced with arms wrapping around my waist.

Still eating the honey bun, I ask "What took so long?"

She was quiet for a while before she said, "I think you should go talk to her....hear it for yourself from her.."

I sigh and give her the rest of my honey bun, suddenly losing my appetite. I then hug her and kiss her forehead before I let go, walking into my baby sister's hospital room.

When I step inside, I close the door behind me slowly and take a deep breath.

"You act like I'm in a coma." Abby said with a giggle.

I smile and turn around. "It would've been nice if you were. Then I would here less of your annoying voice."

"Oh shut up." She says, grinning.

I sit on the hospital bed beside her and lean back. "So?"

"I'm pregnant."

I blink.

"And it's not Blake's."

I blink again.


I stay quiet.



"Grr...say something dammit...it's bad enough Blake's...m-mad.." She begins to sob softly.


"H-huh?" She looks up through teary eyes but I keep my eyes looking straight in front of us.

"Who's is it?" I say again.

"I... d-don't know..." She says, putting her face in her hands.

Let me just say, I am mad. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that it's not her fault. The more I realize, the angrier I get. I swear I'm too smart for my own good.

"Listen to me, baby sister, and answer me this. Where did he finish?" I say through clenched teeth.

She looks up horrified then holds her stomach. I reach and grab the trashcan just in time for her to throw up her lunch. Smelled like a turkey sandwich with Lays chips.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. I realize that I'm going to need 2 more people in my cabinet. Abby is incapable to leave and Blake won't have the mindset to carry on through the mission.

Wait, unless Abby...



"You sure?"

"I don't want his child coming into this world thinking it's a mistake." She said simply.

I nodded in understanding. Mary used to always tell me I was a mistake. That actually brought me depression because I began thinking my real mom didn't care about me. That is, until Xan told me otherwise.

You're welcome.

Thanks pal.

"Are you going to tell Mama? I'm pretty sure she's going to objec-"

"It's my decision, not hers. So no, I won't tell her. And neither will you."

"I already know." Niani said, walking into the room with Miami behind her.

I looked over at Abby to see her confident face turn to pure shock and horror. She quickly regained it and spoke carefully. "Momma.."

"Now listen here. You will have that baby and you will love it. It doesn't matter if it's not Blake's, it's still yours."

"But I didn't want it!"


I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and thrusted my fist into the wall, making a hole in it. I feed off of other people's anger so them getting more and more upset was causing me to lose control slightly.

"Mama. This is Abby's decision. You don't know the full reason behind her wanting to do this."

"No reason is a good enough reason to take an innocent life."

"So not even if the reason is rape?"

Everything went quiet. I mentally thank Xan for adding his voice for the emphasis.

Mama looked shell-shocked. Miami looked the same way. I looked over at Abby who had her eyes closed.

"As much as I know it's wrong...I can't love something that came from something that scarred me! That is why I'm going through with it." Abby stated, opening her eyes and letting the waterworks fall freely.

Mama was now crying as she whispered 'sorry' before turning and leaving. Miami practically ran to Abby and hugged her tightly, muttering 'I'm sorry' over and over again.

I calmed myself and leaned down to kiss Abby's forehead before doing the same to Miami and leaving them alone. I had something to do now that everything made sense and I can finally think straight.

My mission: Find Blake.


Abby pregnant? Whaaa? Abortion? Do you guys know who Damien thinks it is? Do you think he's correct? Ya'll do realize the doctors haven't came back with the rest of the test results...so....cliffhanger? XD

Hopefully, ya'll can wait til Friday lmaoooo

Til then, later!

Love you Mama and BabySis

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