The Journey [Continued]

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After a discussion of every single thing Mary had did wrong to Damien, it was then Abby's turn to yell.

And by yell, she was actually YELLING.

Damien flinched slightly at the sudden outburst from something so tiny.

"Sis...chill" Damien said when all got quiet.

"How can I chill when I want to murder that motherfricker!" Abby censored.

"Language" Niani said, amused.

"Sorry.."Abby said and shrink.

Damien chuckled before saying, "Look, I appreciate both of your concerns but I can't have you killing Mary just yet."

"Why not?" The girls said in union.

"Because Taylor wouldn't have anywhere to live for the time being" Damien said before adding, "At least I think....I forgot she's turning 18 soon so...nevermind I guess"

Abby smirked. "I hope she's pretty."

Damien groaned. "Abbyyy"

This caused Abby to snort/laugh while Niani was just putting the pieces together.

"Oooooooh" Niani dragged out. "I see now. So tell me about her."

Damien groaned and sat down. "What do you want to know?"


"Hmm...." Damien got lost in thought as he realized he didn't know if she had changed or not. "Actually...I don't really know much..."

"What do you mean, 'you don't know?'" Niani asked, sitting beside him.

"I mean I don't know. I do know about her, but remember I died and lost 3 yea-" Damien's eyes grew and silence filled the room.

Abby's small voice was the first to break the silence after a few minutes. "W-what do you mean 'you d-died?'"

Niani covered her mouth and Damien kept his eyes on the table.

"Mom...what does he mean by he died??" Abby pushed, anxiety clearly rising inside her.

Niani quickly got up and hugged Abby, covering her ears before looking at Damien.

"Was the elevator blood..."

Damien said nothing but nodded his head. Niani closed her eyes and continued to soothe Abby. Tears slipped down both of their faces and Damien went to sit in the front, watching where they were going and silently cursing himself out.


A hour and few minutes have passed. The RV was dead silent. No one had said a word but Abby was now calmed. Niani wanted to ask more questions, but also didn't want to make her son uncomfortable.

Soon she got the confidence to sit in the passenger seat. Abby was snuggled in a blanket, asleep. Damien looked over at her and she gave him a small smile in which, he returned.

"" Niani asked cautiously.



Damien kept his eyes straight ahead. He wasn't mad, just thinking.


"I'm sorry?" Damien looked at her, breaking his train-of-thought.

"How are know?"


"Yeahh.." Niani said nervously.

"I really don't know to be honest...but I want to tell you something but I don't know if I can. Also, you might not believe me or think I'm crazy. Or both" Damien said with a chuckle.

Can I tell her?

You don't even know me, but sure.


"Surprise me." Niani said simply.

Damien took a breath. "Okay....I have a voice inside my head that talks to me. It spoke to me when I died, revived me, and said that it would reveal itself once I-" Damien stopped. He tried to speak again but couldn't.

That's enough motor-mouth.

"Once what?" Niani pushed.

"I can't say." Damien said with a chuckle.

"Hmm let me told you not to say."

Damien nodded with a smirk. Niani smirked and nodded.

"Okay, I believe you."

"Wait, for real?"

"Yup. I use to have it, but it stopped talking when you were born."


"Well then..." Damien said finally.

"Hey, I'm not judging and BTW, Taylor may not have changed that much. Don't try to purposely destroy your dreams." Niani thought then quickly added."But don't get your hopes up either."

Wow, that made sense Mom. Thanks! Damien thought sarcastically which earned him a pinch.

"Ow. What was that for?" Damien whined, rubbing his arm.

Niani said nothing but chuckled. "I'm going to go lay down, you need some rest to, relax you brain and all that stuff"

"Ill relax when I meet Taylor and then Intelligence" Damien stated.

"Ugh, so stubborn" Niani sighed and went to go lay snuggle up to Abby.

Damien smirked and return to his train of thought.


Another one! I'll make revisions next Monday to the last chapter and this one.

Remember to comment and vote! Well, idrc about the voting, I'm still new to writing and don't know what voting does.


The Story of Damien the Great {[DISCONTINUED]}Where stories live. Discover now