The Journey

22 1 19

A few days have passed since the reunion. Damien had gotten closer and closer to his mother and sister. He learned everything about them from their favorite color to their worst nightmare. They had all agreed that their new worst nightmare was losing each other again. That was how strong their bond has gotten.

Damien was soon to be introduced to "Intelligence", the thing Niani mentioned earlier, once he was ready. The only thing that was stopping him from being ready was Taylor. He longed to hear her voice again and had yet to tell his mother nor little sister about her. But Abby had her suspicions.

"Damien" Abby whispered once Niani had fallen asleep. They were all snuggled up in a RV that was apart of a convoy specifically designed for the after-rescue.

"What?" Damien whispered back.

"What's her name?"


"The girl you're thinking about" Abby pushed.

"I don't know what you're talking about.." Damien said, getting uncomfortable.

"Big bro, I know we haven't known each for more than a week, but I can read you like a book." Abby stated.

Damien thought for a second before cursing at himself for being so easy to read.

"Don't worry, its just something I'm good at doing." Abby reassured.

Although, Damien was not reassured. If he could be read by his little sister, then that meant he needed to start training again.

And harder.

He sighed softly and leaned back against the wall of the RV. The bed was comfortable and Niani light snores were slowly making him drift to sleep. He looked at Abby and saw that the same thing must've been affecting her since she let out a big yawn. Damien then yawned. The two looked at each other and started laughing, trying to be as quiet as they could.

Damien then pulled his sleeping sister in between him and his sleeping mother and they all slept peacefully together.


After 2 hours of much needed sleep. Damien woke up to just his mother near him. He smelled cookies and sat up to see his sister pulling out a tray of freshly made cookies.

He licked his lips, only have tasted a few cookies his whole life thanks to Taylor smuggling him a few whenever Mary made some. He quickly got up, turning around and making sure Niani was comfy beneath the covers, before waltzing over to his goofy-dancing baby sister. She was rocking out to a emo band that was quietly playing on the small radio. He stood right behind her, as she danced, and watched what she was doing.

It wasn't until she turned around, and saw him, that she did the most adorable thing ever.

She squealed/squeaked.

It was the most adorable and funny thing Damien had ever heard. While he was was trying to catch his breath, an enraged Abby started to attack him, hitting(poking) him wherever she could.

"Jesus Christ you scared me!" Abby said with clear frustration.

"That*breath* was *breath* priceless!!" Damien spat out.

"Fuck you! Ugh!!!" Abby groaned, giving up on her assault.

"I wish you two would keep it down, some of us are trying to sleeep!" Niani yelled out with a hidden smile, happy to wake up to arguing kids for the first time.

"Tell that to Damien who's bullying me!" Abby yelled back.

By this time Damien was rolling on the floor, dying from laughter. Tears streaked his face.

"Fine. Don't touch my cookies!" Abby said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Damien got to hid knees and put his hands to get. "Nuuuu, I'm sorry...Please don't take his away from me! I haven't had a cookie since I was 10!"

"Oh please, you've only been in the Mansion for like 3 years." Abby said, dismissively.

"Noooo, you don't understand. Mary never let me eat cookies. Taylor was the one to smuggle them up there for me and when Mary found out, she stopped baking them!" Damien said, hoping for mercy.

"Wait, that's her name?" Abby questioned.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE NEVER LET YOU HAVE COOKIES?!" Niani screamed, emerging from the bed area.

Damien blinked, again cursing at himself for mindlessly letting out Taylor's name. His attention was then thrown to Niani, who was shaking him by the shoulders.

"Answer me, NOW." Niani demanded.

Niani had a small frame. She was significantly shorter than Damien, but taller than Abby. She dressed in a 2000 New York-ian style fashion.

Abby has a smaller frame than Niani. She was, of course, the shortest of the 3 but her most distinguishing feature is her emo look. It what made Abby, Abby.


Wasgud peeps, I know that they may seem all lovey-dovey
But they do NOT have any sort of INAPPROPRIATE FEELINGS toward one another!

I SEE YOU NASTY PEEPS!! Jk lmao, though....some of you may be from Alabama......LEMME STOP BEFORE YA'LL FIND ME AND BE SIPPIN TEA IN MY HOOD!!

Love you all and sorry to those who wanted it to be like that....>->... even though it wasnt meant to be like that but anywhoooo

Hope y'all enjoyed this Chapter!

The Story of Damien the Great {[DISCONTINUED]}Where stories live. Discover now