Back at It

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I groaned as my muscles ached all over. I sat up after falling off the pull up bar. I've done everything station for 4 minutes, TWICE, and its not even close to dinnertime.

I sighed and got up, preparing for my 3rd round.

"You sure don't let up do you Mr. 9-Lives."

I spun around fast and my eyes landed on a girl that looked just like Mama. I say nothing and she continues.

"Can I sit here and watch you?" She asked.

No, I don't want another Taylor.

"Relax, I'm not going to do what the last girl did. Believe me, I want to live." She said with a chuckle.


"Okay, I'll shut up now." She said after a while. I sigh, realizing she's not going to leave and I continue prepping the station.

I shove a '50', '25', '10' and 3 '5's  on each side of the bar. I lay down under the bar and prepare to lift the 270lbs. When I latched my hands onto the bar, I suddenly became aware that I was being watched. And when I say watched, I meant watched.

The girl was literally standing over me, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Can I help you?" I asked, clearly annoyed.

"Ah, so it speaks? No you cant, just continue."

"Kinda hard with an annoying girl watching me."

"Ouch, well just picture me as an annoying boy."

"What? No! Fuck no. If it had to be someone, I'd rather it be someone I know."

"What if it was someone cute." She said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Well, I don't see many people that kind of cute. Only my sister and she's an adorable cute."

"Hmm....what about your mom?"

"Yeah, I guess you can say that. But I don't know if I should say that about my mom. It seems....unjust?" I said, now thinking on how you call your mom cute without meaning it like that.

"So you find your mom attractive?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

" Wait, no. Hold on." She started laughing so I sat up. "Why are you asking me these questions?

"Because I like you and you're interesting." She said, smiling happily.

"Well you're annoying and too noisy for my liking." I said, laying back down under the bar.

"Ugh...what can I do to get you to like meee??" She said not particularly to me.

"You can start by leaving me alone." I said, pushing the bar off the hinges and beginning to bench.

"But then you'll forget about me.." She said quietly.

"That's might be the plan." I said, continuing on.

I see her lip start to quiver and her eyes moisten as she turns her head away from me. I sigh and close my eyes before putting the bar up and facing her.

"Hey look, I'm sorry. I'm just not looking for anyone right now. How about we just be...friends?" I said as soothing as I can.

She seems to think on it for a while before finally nodding her head. "Okay..but I won't promise that I won't be flirtacious!"

"Just don't flirt with me when I'm in a bad mood and you got yourself a deal." I say.

"Deal!" She says excitedly before kissing my cheek and running out the gym. "Bye Damien!"

"Motherfucker...." I mumble before putting my head in my hands.

Why are you smiling?

"Shut up Xan." I say, still smiling.

The Story of Damien the Great {[DISCONTINUED]}Where stories live. Discover now