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Have you ever gone to the airport and wait in a long line to go though security? Well just think of that time period of waiting, but instead more security. And by more, I mean metal detectors, x-ray machines, a room for a full body search. I was not fond of that last part at all. I caused such a great commotion that they had to sedate me. They invested me with something and I immediately felt like I was floating. Is this what it felt like to be high waaay back in the day? I shook that question from me head and let them search me.

Niani's POV

Poor Damien. I wish I could stay with him through the process, but I had already scheduled a meeting before our arrival. Major wanted me to go over with the staff on my ship about the new recruits. I also need to school them on Damien's situation so that they don't torture my poor baby. I'm bot really worried about him that much, he'd he has Taylor there to accommodate him, so I'm sure he's fine. I mean, I guess they made up. What else could they have been doing back in the RV??

Abby POV

I want to fucking die. We came back on a fucking Sunday which mean I had to do fucking PAT. Thank you a fucking lot "life". I had fun on vacation while it lasted at least, and I got myself big brother! Now I'll be even more intimidating to my crew-mates. I smirked evily to the thought just as I turned the corner I was semi-tackled by non other than my best-friend Ever. It was non other, than Eve Thompson herself! Her real name is Evelyn, but due to her short size, like me, people just called her Eve. She was another small child like me, but not emo. People say we look like sisters, but I think that's just because we hang out, A LOT. I swear we're not gay, I swear.

Taylor's POV

So this is what Damien's mom does. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting this. I always thought she was maybe someone that was a nurse, or a scientist. Not a soldier. I guess that's where Damien gets awareness from. Speaking of him... where is he? I see a random soldier and I walk up to him.

"Do you know who Damien is and where I might find him?"

He just stared at me with a stupid look on his face. He then looked at his buddy and started laughing.

"What? Whats funny?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"I'm sorry. No cap, I don't even. know who that is." The soldier said.

"But aye, give me your number and I'll call when I see him" The other soldier said.

"Shut up George. You don't need a girl number. You sweet." The first one said.

"Man...Colton, I told you, licking titties aren't sweet." George said.

"Yeah, if they ain't on a nigga." Colton said, causing both me and George to laugh.

"Okay, all serious now. Are you and him new recruits?"

"Yes we are." I said, smiling.

"Well we are too, we must be in the same Ship." Colton said.

"What's a Ship?" I asked. I knew what a ship was, but it may have not been the same Ship they meant.

"Basically it's like a group of people that go on missions and stuff together. Don't worry, you'll learn all this because for recruits, we go to class to be taught this stuff."

"How do you know this stuff."

"Well, my mom's the Ship Commander." Colton said simply.

"Mine too." George said.

My mind started to click, and I finally put the pieces together.

"Niani??" I almost screamed.

"AYEEE, lower your tone and we use last names here. That's 50 demerits."

George started chuckling and I was all kinds of confused. "Demerits?"

"Alright enough talking, all three of you need to head to class." Niani said, coming out of no where.

"Yes ma'am" Colton and George said together.

"Wait, hold on. You have 2 more sons??" I asked.

"Crap, did you guys tell her?" Niani said, putting her hand on her forehead.

"Ooooh," Colton said, his mouth in a O shape and his face going long. "This is her? And Damien is him."

"Yesss, you idiot."

Colton and George started laughing and walked off.

Niani sighed before saying, "I suggest you follow them. I'll explain family matters tonight."

I nodded and took off towards the two guys. This was going to be a long day and an even longer night.


The Story of Damien the Great {[DISCONTINUED]}Where stories live. Discover now