The Fight

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Damien was the first to attack, heading straight for George. He resembled a wolf pouncing on his prey, the way he launched at George but he did not land on him- or the ground at all. Instead, he began creating after-images all around George who just stood in his aura, seemingly not worried.

Thinking an opening was available, one of his after images threw a punch to George's jaw, barely making George flinch. Seeing the attack ineffective, he did a various of attack in different areas. A kick to the groin, an uppercut right to the chin, a roundhouse to the left side of his face. All attacks, ineffective.

This caused Damien to growl out in fustration and stop. George smiled, and then suddenly he was behind Damien, wrapping his arms around him and suplexing him into the ground.

Caught off guard, Damien shook of the attack and looked at George who was running right at him.

Getting angry, Damien hunches his back and begins to churn his energy, causing the atmosphere to get heavy. They made George significantly slower, but it didnt stop him from running.

Keeping the atmosphere how it is, Damien stands up from his wolf stance while George charges at him. Cocking his arm back, George was seemingly putting everything into this attack, before he throws it at Damien's jaw.

Only Damien catches his hand.

George, looking bewildered, tried to cock his arm back but Damien keeps his grip.

"..shit...." George whispers to himself.


On the other side of the room, Garner was seemingly having trouble fighting his opponent. I mean, it is hard fighting something you can't see.

"Grrrr! Stop hiding and show yourself" Garner said, swinging at the air randomly.

"As you wish." Josh says, appearing and gut punching Garner before kneeing him also in the jaw and disappearing again.

Garner stumbles and falls backwards before standing up, fury in his eyes.

"Fucking coward!" Garner shouts.

This causes Josh to appear behind him and dropkick him in the back of the head. Again, Garner falls and stands up, blood seeping out of one of his nostrils.

"This isnt a fair fight! We're both the same build and you're choosing to hide! Where's your honor for you enemies?" Garner exclaims.

Josh sighs, not buying into the honor crap he was talking about. But he was sick of his whining so he positioned himself in front of Garner and showed himself.

"Hi." He quickly threw a left, right, then a gut punch.

Garner was shooken but blocked the gut punch. He then threw a punch at Josh who leaned left and threw a punch of his own. Garner ducked and spun with his leg thrown back, leg sweeping Josh. He then crawled on top of him and grabbed Josh by his shirt, socking him in the jaw twice.

Josh spits out some blood and breathes. "I bet you're used to being on top of men." He said with a smirk.

This angered Garner who began punching him repeatedly.

Once he stopped to take a break, the bloodied faced Josh lifted up and head-butted Garner.

Garner covered his nose, allowing Josh to free his hands and grip Garner by the shirt before punching him so hard in the jaw, a crunching sound was definitely heard. Garner fell off of Josh and now it was Josh's turn to lay the smackdown.

He got to his feet, and instead of climbing on top of him, he pulled out a dagger.

"Time to end this here and now." He said and he places his foot on Garner's chest.

Garner gritted his teeth, as his aura slowly appeared. He then opened his eyes, glowing a neon tan, and stared right into Josh's.

Josh's body went still and then he fell backwards, not moving.


Hearing the thud, Damien cranes his head to see his friend fall. This caused his eyes to changed.

George's eyes widen as Damien pulled him into a monstrous headbutt

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George's eyes widen as Damien pulled him into a monstrous headbutt. A crunch was heard. He then twisted George's arm, lifted him up and slammed him into the ground.

George's aura fades.

Garner gasps, seeing his man defeated after just a few blows.

" His aura...literally makes him invincible." Garner says through a shaky breath.

Damien doesnt say nothing, but the clock hand on his eye rotates around 1 time, letting him appear in front of Garner instantly.

Yelping, Garner's neck is gripped tightly by Damien.

"Take your lover and go. I will leave you be for the time being. You better go far, for when I get my brother to safety..." Damien gets close to Garner's ear. "I'm coming to kill you both." Damien tightens his grip, slowly pushing the life out of Garner. After 6 seconds(2 seconds from killing Garner), he lessens his grip and launches him over to George where he hits the wall, falls/breaking through a countertop, and tumbling next to George. Damien then looks at Josh.

Josh's eyes were open, non-blinking, and he skin was paler than it used to be. He resembled the dead.

Sighing and trying to control his anger, he lifts Josh over his shoulder and moves out into the dark hallway, only lit by the red-emergency lights.


Another cliffhangerrrrr! I'm sorry to say this but this book is slowly coming to a close 😅 There will be future books that are like sequels to this but different story lines😁

Until the next part,


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