Marksmanship (Continued)

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When me and George stepped in, Colton and Garner were silently taking down 2 enemy soldiers.

"Good job boys, let's proceed slowly and with caution" I said.

All 4 of us hurried down the hallway as quietly as we could until we came to a door with voice. I halted my team and pulled out an anti-oxygen grenade. I cracked the door open and rolled it in slowly, closing the door again. The voices started getting louder and soon we heard crashing and choking sounds. Then we heard nothing.

"Let's proceed."

We further down the hallway until we came to a door that had 'Security' on it. I looked at my watch and saw a red blinking light

"Alright men, the other team is waiting for us to let them in. Remember to be quiet and aim for the whites of their eyes. Do not fire on the machines. Clear?" I whispered.

"Clear!" They whispered yelled back.

I nodded at George, who put his weapon up and kicked the door off its hinges. I rushed in and immediately found cover as a wave of bullets started firing on our position. Colton was on the opposite of the room and Garner was behind me. George was firing from the cover of the door. I heard sniper shots and immediately took my sniper and aimed them down. I saw 2 and put a bullet in each of their heads. I quickly dropped as the wave of bullets came in my direction.


I turned to my side and saw Garner holding his shoulder.

"Shit, stay down Small Fry!" I yelled at him over the gunfire. He nodding and kept pressure on his wound. "FRAGS OUT!" I yelled and pulled 2 frags from my belt, throwing them at the enemy. Colton and George do the same and soon explosions erupt, ending the gunfire.

"Clear." Colton said from his position.

"Alright lets move. Mr. Sweet, hack into the system and let the other team in. King, secure our position then help out Small Fry. Small Fry, stay alive until King helps you. I'm going to their armory to find us some bigger guns."

"Yes sir!" All 3 said before following orders. I holster my sniper and take out my Scar. I elevate it and sweep the hallway before hurrying out. I hugged the right side before it emptied into another hallway. My guy dropped when I saw dozens of flashlights. I radioed to George immediately.

"Mr. Sweet, multiple enemy targets inbound to my position. I need help."

"I see you Wolf. Activating Sentry Turret in Hallway C."

I hear a sound like something opening before I see a hole in the ceiling, lowering the turret. It them fires at the enemy troop, allowing me to hear body after body drop. After I heard what seemed like 15 bodies drop and the gunfire ceased, I raised my head.

"You're clear Wolf. No enemy movements."

"Thanks Mr. Sweet." I say before continuing down the hallway and now coming up on a door that said 'Armory'.

"Mr. Sweet, I've located the Armory."

"Understood, eliminating enemy targets."

I soon hear sounds of gunfire and cries of pain.

"Armory room secure. Your clear to advance."

The door opens and I walk in. The room smells of gunfire and burnt metal. I step over the bodies and grab a bag before filling it with explosives and big weapons.

I zipped the bag up, gathered my gear, and started my way back to the hall. When I got to the room, Garner was resting and George and Colton was watching the security screens.

"Wolf, you might wanna see this." Colton said.

I walked over and inspected the screen. On it, the other team was under heavy fire and it looked like one was down.

"We need to move now. Small Fry, stay here with Mr. Sweet. Mr. Sweet, you activate any turrets in that area. Keep firing until you see me and King in position."

"Understood." George said.

"King you're with me. We're gonna go to the upper level and fire down onto the enemy. I have a C12 ready for deploy if things get too out-of-control."

"Yes sir. Also, what did you get from the armory?"

I laid the bag on the table and unzipped the bag.

"Take your pick." I said with a smirk. Colton then smirked and pick up 2 RPGs. I grabbed a Minigun, a mount, and some shock grenades before looking at Colton.


"Let's do this." Colton said with a nod.

We turn and headed on into the hallway, taking off towards the way we first came. George had given me coordinates to a vent that lead to the upper levels of the cargo room. When we got there, I yanked the vent cover off and kneeled, cupping my hands so I could boost Colton in. Once he got in, it was a crouch space so he held his hand out for me to take. We were both now in the vent and quickly/quietly making our way to our position. Colton stopped and opened the other vent cover, carefully setting it aside before advancing. I advanced and looked before us to see the enemy advancing on the other team. They were moving slowly since the turrets were out, but moving nonetheless.

I plant the mount on the bar and hooked the Minigun to it. I watched Colton mount a RPG on both his shoulders. I told his to wait on my mark as I pulled out all 4 shock grenades. I gripped the pins and yanked them off before throwing them in different directions. They explode on impact to the ground, sending jolts of harmful strikes of electricity in random directions.

"NOW!" I yelled over the screams of pain. I then went over my Minigun and warmed it up before raining down hundreds of bullets per second on the enemy. I felt 2 explosions and looked over to see Colton now reloading, smoke coming out of the RPGs on his shoulders.

We continued for what seemed like hours but was actually 3 minutes. Then all was silent.

"Alpha team, Sound Off!"

"Alpha Team, standing by! What took you guys so long?" The leader of their team said, standing up with a smirk. It caused me to smirk.

"What can I say? I grew up around girls so I'm prone to be fashionably late!"

We all started laughing as the VR shut down and me and my team were now standing in a room by ourselves. We took our gear off and exited the room, meeting up with Alpha. We exchanged high-fived and congratulate each other for completing the mission.

"Excellent job Turds!" Sgt Woede said.

"Thank you Sgt!" We all yelled in unison.

"And you heard me correctly. You have all been promoted today. For completing a mission that would leave most recruits lost or dead, you worked together and completed an S-rank Simulated mission!"

We all looked at each other and went nuts. Was he serious? That was a S-rank? "And furthermore, Damien, for taking leadership and executing tasks well and on the go, Major Conley has specifically promoted you to Technical Sergeant. But since that is an officer position, that means you have to go through a special type of training."

I listened intently on what he was saying. Wow. I thought as S-Rank mission would be harder than that. Oh well. I'm being promoted and I'm now 5 steps closer to Admiral.

The Story of Damien the Great {[DISCONTINUED]}Where stories live. Discover now