Newfound Power and an Escape Plan

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"Damien NO!" Jones shouts before summoning his yellow aura and phasing out of Damien's restraints. The explosion, however, knocked him back into the wall. He quickly recovers and hops back to his feet. Doming-O was unharmed so he took a big sigh of relief. She gasped loudly causing Jones turn to Damien and now he knew why.

Damien's upper body skin was gone and what was shown was that he had no organs and barely his rib cage. Jones resisted the urge to throw up as Doming-O was finally released. She slowly made her way to Damien, kneeling in front of him and observing the glowing orb in his chest. Jones stood up as she reached out and tried to touch the orb. He didn't like the way Damien looked. It was as if he was...undead. His skin was charred, but it wasn't black. It had a grayish color and sort of looked like armor-skin.

Doming-O inched her hand closer and closer until her hand was grabbed.

"Don't...I think he's still aliv-" Jones is cut off as Damien uppercuts him, sending him back into his familiar wall. He then quickly grabs Doming-O by the neck and flips them over so he's on top.

He squeezes hard while he stares into her eyes. She slowly began to suffocate at the hands of this unknown, newfound person until her airways opened  again. She turned over to her side and breathed harshly while she watched Damien and Jones struggle on the floor. She wanted to crawl to help but she was trying to catch her breath which scared her because it didn't seem like she would be taking this long to get air. 

Soon Damien came victorious and he grabbed Jones by the leg and began slamming him into the ground over and over again. He stopped, lifted him up and tossed him towards Doming-O. After pulling Jones to safety, she pressed a button underneath the counter-top which signaled for the assistance of security.


Josh sits at his table, eating his lunch with the rest of the unlicky souls who are prisoners as well. When he finished, he got up and threw away his tray before walking back to his cell. He had gotten used to his "schedule". Wake up, Eat breakfast, Go to his cell, Leave to eat lunch, get harrassed by Garner, miss lunch, sleep until the next day. Pretty simple schedule.

Just as if on cue, Garner walks in. He doesn't say nothing this time as he just quickly cuffs Josh and guides him out of his cell, George right beside them.

"Where are we going?" Josh asks.

"Away from your friend." Garner says.

"What friend? I dont have any friends here." Josh says simply.

Garner groans out of annoyance. "Don't worry about it."

"How you're gonna start and then not tell me?" Josh ask.

Garner was about to say something when George interrupted him. "They're having problem containing Damien so we're moving you so he can't get to you."

Josh looks at the device on his chest then looks forward as they guide him down different hallways and through different rooms.

"How are they having trouble? Wouldn't he have on of these on?" Josh asks.

George begins with, "Yes bu-"

A huge explosion occurs and the lights go out, causing the emergency lights to come on.

"What the hell was that?" Josh asks loudly.

Garner smacks him. "Keep your voice down!"

Then, he and George quickly get him into a room where they lock it up.

"Crap.." George says while gripping his head.

Josh looks out the window to see soldiers of SDF running pass in the direction they came from.

The Story of Damien the Great {[DISCONTINUED]}Where stories live. Discover now