Young Damien

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15-yr old Damien was tired and hungry, but he continued on with his training, delivering a leftward slash, then a rightward one before trying to end his attack in a powerful uppercut. All his attempts were countered easily and his stomach was met knee which caused him to fall to his knees in pain.

"You're still slow. Have you been training like I told you to do?"

"No Mark..." Damien huffed out as he got to his feet. "I'm strong without my trai-" Before he could finished he was sent flying into the wall, crumbling to the ground afterwards, groaning. "Ugh..."

"You're still a pathetic weakling. When will you learn?" Mark said harshly as he walked to Damien and kneeled in front of him. "Do you think the Emperor will be satisfied if you wasn't training like you were told?"

"No sir..." Damien whimpered out.

"Then that'll be 10 licks, for not following orders" Mark stated.

Damien's eyes grew with fear as he began pleading, knowing there was no point in begging with Mark. "Please! Please no! I promise to train...I'll get stronger and beat you! Just you watc- Owww!!!"

Damien began tearing up as he was taken by the back of the neck and carried outside and to the middle of the square, where he was tied up and stripped of his shirt. Mark already had his whip in hand and decided it wasn't necessary to explain the gathering crowd of why he was doing this. The crowd neither did ask. Mark pulled his arm back and crack the whip across Damien's back with no mercy. Damien felt the searing pain on his back which caused him to cry out. He planted his face into the pole as he was beaten mercilessly by his trainer.

/\/\/\| 1 hour of licks later |/\/\/\/

Damien was limping towards where he had lived. He lived with a widow, Mary, and her 14-yr old daughter, Taylor. When he got to the door, Taylor immediately opened it and pull him inside.

Neither spoke as she began to gently clean his wounds. He sighed out softly as the cool washcloth was pressed gently against his open flesh.

"Thanks..." He said quietly.

She nod and hugged him from behind gently as she could. They did somewhat have a thing, but the couldn't let it come out in public or else Mary would kick them out. She despised Damien and only kept him because the Emperor was paying her. She mostly spent the money at taverns and some on Taylor, almost none on Damien.

"Where is she?"

"Out. Probably getting a sex disease."

He chuckled and lean back more into her, causing her hug him more tightly.

/\/\/\| Later that Night |/\/\/\

Damien laid on his stomach, his shirt still off, as he thought about his life. He didn't know his real parents. Mary clearly stated that he was not related to them in anyway, and that made it all the more acceptable since he had somewhat would've fallen for his "sister". Taylor is educated. Damien is not. He can only read, write, and talk the way he can only because Taylor gave him lessons when she came home.

Damien was suddenly awakened when there was a knock at the door. He sat up on his bed as Taylor came in with a tray of steak, bread, and a glass of water. He was now suddenly, extremely hungry. She laid the tray on his nightstand and sat on his bed.

"Pumkin....we need to talk..."

Damien didn't like the sound of that.

"What's up?"

She bit down on her lip and then stood up, as she always did when she was nervous about something. He always noticed things like that. The way she laughed was music to his ears. Her eyes seemed to make his heart skip a beat and her voice soothed his pain. He has yet to find a flaw about her as he has found about other people.

" can talk to me." He smiled to reassure her.

"I think we should tell her..." She said, suddenly being bold as she stared into his eyes.

Fear flashed in his eyes, but he understood why she wanted to. She wanted to change things. She wanted to be seen in public, holding his hand. She wanted to always be there for him. She wanted him. He treated her right, despite his disadvantages at life and wanted to grow old and marry him. He felt the same way.

Only one obstacle stood in their way.

"What do you think will happen?"

She looked away. "I don't know.."

He stood up and walked to her, wrapping his arms around her. She melted in his arms feeling secure.

"Maybe she will underst- FUCK!"

Taylor felt his arms loosen and fall from her around as she turned and saw him on his knees and a belt in her mother's hands, blood on it.

"Mommy no!"

How was this chapter? Was it what you had expected? Will Taylor finally tell her mom about her and Damien? Will Damien be kicked out? Find out in the Next chapter!!!

Remember to Comment and Give feedback!


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