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I return to my senses only to not believe what I witnessed. I killed her...

No, I did.

I let you....

No, I could've just roughed her up and kicked her out but your anger drove me to do more.

I decided not to argue with him as I collapsed to my knees, shaking my head. I wasn't as sad as I was of her dying than me possibly getting kicked out of SOTC. As fucked up as it sounds, I still have a life to live. The next events were a blur.

Abby came in and saw Taylor lying on the floor, dead. She called Niani who then called the SOTC police. They came and arrested me and threw me into a holding cell until my trial. Niani and Abby both came to visit me as my "1 phone call." As I suspected, Mama was disappointed in me and Abby said something along the nature of "I don't know who you are anymore". I honestly can't remember because I would really not want to be alive anymore. Even Major came to see me. He just looked at me and shook his head before leaving. That really did it. I tried to ask Xan if he could just kill me but he said it was against his contract. I eventually gave up. My rank was stripped until I could "prove myself ", though I knew that was never going to happen. My cell consisted off a toilet, a wall jail-bed, and a pullup bar. Well then, I guess even in jail they want you physically in shape. I laid on my jail-bed and began counting sheep until I fall asleep. Sleep is what I need and if I could have one wish, it would be to sleep.

Hopefully forever.

The Story of Damien the Great {[DISCONTINUED]}Where stories live. Discover now