Young Damien {Continued}

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"SHUT UP TAYLOR!" Her voice sounded like she had been smoking all her life. "I seesnt him tryna to make a move on you, so I swung" She said and swung again at Damien's back. Taylor was now crying as she began to push her mother away so Damien wouldn't take anymore punishment.

"No mom, I allowed him to!"

"What? Why? Why not come to me? Let me comfort you instead of that worthless excuse for a man!"

"No, because I LOVE HIM!"

The words stung Mary, but not as much as the stung on Taylor's cheek once her mother back-handed her. Taylor stumbled over the bed, holding her cheek and teary-eyed. Her skirt was then flipped up as she received marks from the belt on her rear. The repeated screams of Taylor and the sound of the belt caused Damien to gett angrier and angrier. He willed himself to stand as he turn to face Mary. She stopped punishing Taylor and looked at him, a raised eyebrow.

"Whatcha gonna do you piece of shit? Huh?" She rose the belt and brought it down on his shoulder. The few seconds between, he looked at Taylor to see her shaking her head. He nodded gently and welcomed the pain as he hissed and dropped to his knees. It was better for him to be punished than her.

After a few minutes, Mary stopped and told to Taylor to get out which she did in a hurry.

"Next time, you think of touching my innocent angel, I will kill you. You hear me?"

Damien knew that she wouldn't because then the Emperor would not pay her anymore, making them soon become poor. He decided to keep that to himself, just in case she does kill him and Taylor then becomes poor. He nodded instead. Mary scoffed and spat on him before walking out and slamming the door. He heard the deadbolt and sighed as he stood up, shaking, as he then flopped on his bed, succumbing to sleep.

Taylor's POV

Taylor was in her room, sobbing quietly in fear of her mother coming in to finish her punishment. Her mother did come in, but unarmed as she sat on the edge of the bed. Taylor scooted away, causing Mary to sigh.

"You know why I did that right sweety?"

Taylor shook her head, but she did in fact know why. Mary hated that she had to take care of Damien. She has hated the male side of the race ever since some men a while ago had killed her husband and raped her. Taylor has no idea as to why Damien has to suffer her wrath or why she still tries to lay with men, but she is thankful that he has never once attempted to run away, taking her heart with him.

"I did it because I love you. Men are dangerous you know. I don't see why you don't have your eyes set on a gir-"

"I'm not dating a girl, EVER." She remembered to lower her voice to not anger her mother.

"Well...could you please not pick him? He's so pathetic and you can do sooo much better than him."

Taylor shook her head rapidly. "All the other boys don't treat me with respect and the kindness like Damien's shows me."

Mary sighed and said, "Well I don't know what to tell you.... You will never have my blessing to marry him."

Taylor's heart shattered. "W-wha.."

Mary stood up and Taylor leapt for her hand.

"Mom please! Pleaseee reconsider!"

Mary snatched her hand away. "Look at you. So weak! A daughter of mine will not show weakness over no man. Especially towards one that's not even consider a man! My word is final. The answer is No."

With that, she left the room and Taylor broke down crying as her future was just crushed in front of her eyes.

Damien's POV

Damien woke up to searing pain as he repeatedly felt belt licks on his back. He hissed and rolled away from receiving further pain when he saw Mary standing on the other side of the bed, holding the bloody belt. Anger consumed him, but he tried to suppress it to not upset Taylor.

"I told her no. She will never have my blessing to be married to the like of you" She said firmly.

He did not understand at first, then he felt himself grow cold and he held his stomach and fell to his knees. Mary smirked then let out a throaty laugh as she left the room, feeling as if victory was on her side.

Damien was gritting his teeth as he then punched the ground repeatedly and let out a yell in frustration. He wanted so desperately to kill her slowly and watch the life drain from her eyes. He felt all this anger that it was becoming too much, he needed to act and act now. But he was met with arms, wrapped around him and soft sobs. He knew who it was and all the anger immediately left him, his sorrow returning.

They sat there for a while before he turned and looked her in the eyes.

"I must go."

Taylor's eyes grew, but she understood and nodded her head slowly. "Will you be back..?"

"I will." He lifted her chin, and brought his lips to hers, kissing her with as much passion as he could muster up. She wrapped her arms around his neck, not wanting to let go but he forced himself from her grasp. With his eyes closed, he got dressed(The cover pic is basically Damien) and went to the window, opening it. He felt a light tap on his shoulder and was met with a pair of soft lips on his.

"Please return..." She said softly after the kiss was broken.

He nodded slowly, tears forming on both of their cheeks and he pulled her in once more for a goodbye kiss, not knowing when the next time he would see his love. He let her go and he jump out window, landing on the ground where he then took off into the woods, not looking back at the house as he knew he would have the urge to run back.

Taylor's POV

As she watched him run, heart felt like it was no longer beating, the farther he went out of view.  She yelled out as in pain and in hope that he'll come back.

But he never did............

Okay, this is the last chapter Imma release for a few days. I hope you enjoyed the the first two as well as this once. I hope to see much feedback and comments as you wait for the 4th-7th chapters!! I would personally like to thank leftover-mcr-trash for inspiring me to write my story! I love you Baby Sis! Keep up the great work and you guys should view her stories, they're reeally good!

Until next time, PEACE OUT!👌🏾


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