Friendly Welcome to Space

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As soon as we stopped the prime, we were under fire.

When the bridge's window opened up, all we saw where dozens on small fighters firing at us. They were doing drivebys on us, using their speed to their advantage. One ship got close enough for me to see the SDF logo on it. I growled and grabbed the ship's intercom.

"Weapons are red. Fire on anything that moves!" I then switch to the Expedition channel to talk to the other ships. "Ares, I just signaled for Expedition to go weapons red. Your ship is free to engage."

"Roger." Sgt Woede's voice repeated.

I smiled, knowing that I was basically in charge of his until we reached Mars. I pressed a button on the console that gave me access to the hangar's intercom. "We need fighters mobilized. Battle Phase 2 is implemented." I say.

I hear Roger and stand up to go near the window. I then saw an enemy fight landing on Expedition, releasing troops.

I cursed and ordered everyone in the bridge to activate their suits. Once everyone did so, I did the same and grabbed my sniper rifle. I then pressed a button and the bridge opened. All oxygen was sucked out. We all moved towards the window and aimed our weapons at the intruders,

And opened fire.

I scoped 3 headshots before I had to reload. I ducked and so did the other because they began firing back at us.

"So this the welcoming party?!" Colton says with a smirk through the Bridge channel thats connecting our helmets.

"I'm going to act like their Blake!" Abbh said, which surprised us as we looked over at her. "What?"

We all laughed before aiming out the window again and dropping more SDF soldiers. We took cover again and started to reload.

"Why are these fuckers so against us in space?? They OWN 3 fucking planets!" Miami said over the gunfire. There were like 5 intruders left so we weren't that worried.

After eliminating the rest of them, I ran to my seat, closed the bridge window and restored oxygen to the room. 5 minutes passed before we took off our helmets.

"Well that was something." Bruce said with a chuckle.

I chuckled and nodded. "Come on, we need to hyperjump to get out of this warzone." I contacted Ares and Demetrius to relay the information to them. I then called all our fighters back and began the sequence. We were only able to do this because some UNSA gunships came to help us out.

Gotta love allies, am I right?

The engine began to heat up and soon we began to jump. Every one of us were pushed back onto our seat. The pressure was strong as fuck! I gripped the arms of my seat and held on as they began the countdown for minus jump.

As soon as they got to 1, all of us jerked forward. Good news, the seatbelts saved us from flyong through the windshield. Bad news, the seatbealt pushed deep into our guts and chest and all of us groan when we finally get ourselves situated.

"Jesus fuck!" Colton yelled out.

"Language." I warned, holding my stomach. Abby started breathing hard and it soon hit me. "Get my fucking babysister out of that seatbelt!" I hurried and unbuckled mine before rushing over to her seat where Josh was struggling to pull it off. We both took turns tugging before one of us grew some brain cells.

Josh pulled out his knife and cut the seatbelt, earning a huge sigh of relief from Abby. Then, using strength I have no clue where it came from, she tackled Josh down and started to makeout with him.

"PDA! NO SUCKING EACH OTHERS CACE OFF IN UNIFORM! 50 DEMERITS!" Colton screamed out making everyone, beside the 2 making out, laugh.

Once we finally calmed ourselves, Abby and Josh got up and disappeared to God knows where. I then looked at Miami who was looking out the Brige window. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She tensed, the relaxed when she knew it was me. I smiled and looked out the window with her straight at Mars.

"Whyy?" She questioned.

"Why what?" I asked innocently.

"Why are you hugging like this?" She whined, leaning to get out of my grasp.

This wasn't unusually behavior. She lately has been playing hard to get unless she wanted to be affectionate.

And cringy.

"Because I can." I simply say with a smirk.


I chuckled and let her go, standing beside her. "Well, we're here... Time to set up our colony."

"Speaking of will we govern ourselves?" She asked.

"Major said I will be the highest authority, so I will have supreme say. I plan to make the Cabinent the leading officials once we get there. That means, ya'll should be thinking of some rules and regulations." I say.

"Hmm....I'll go tell the others..." She then did a About Face and left, leaving me alone to stare at Mars.

"Okay you red rock, prepare to get the homo"

NAH NIGGA, YOU GAY ASS SHIT! ION EVEN CARE THAG YOU GOT A GIRL!" Colton shouted from down the hall.

"How the hell you hear me?!" I yell back, holding my stomach and laughing.

"I hear everything NIGGA!" He yelled.

"Demerits!" I yell.

After going back and forth for a while, it finally got quiet and I looked at Mars once again.

"This is it."


Sorry for the late update. Got busy n shit. But i have an annoucement...


ahem, also love to both of my sisters reading this😁

And to a specific fellow dating my sister, keep her happy my guy

And to my love, Please stop with the commentary about my basketball skills😑 Thank you😘

Word Count: 923

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