Take Off

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It was time. I took seat in the Admiral seat and took the comm. My cabinet was on both sides of me, happy to be mere minutes from space.

"It's time. Launch off in 5 minutes." I say loudly into the speaker.

Miami reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze. I smile at her then look at my other cabinet members.

"Everyone ready?" I say.

'"Yep." Colton said with a smirk.

"Yeah." Josh said.

"Yee." Abby says.

"Yes." Miami says.

“Let's go.” Bruce said.

I hear the engine roar to life and begin to slowly drag out into a loud long hum. I smiled as 1 light came on, signaling that the ship was warming up.

We were almost there. Just 2 more lights.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as the intercom came on overheard. On it was Major's voice.

“It's about that time. I want to remind you  that once you reach Mars, communication will be limited. You are all ready for this mission. Make us proud. Conley out.”

I smile then another voice comes on, but this one was automated.

“Please prime the ship now.”

A hatch opens between me and Miami's hand. It had arrows show where to move the lever. I look at my cabinet, all giving me a nod, before I push the lever all the way forward. Through the window I see us lifting of the ground like a helicopter would. Soon we were hundreds of feet from the ground. As soon as we reached 1k, the voice came on the intercom again.

“Please release the ship from its prime.”

I take breath before pulling the lever back towards me.

In doing so, all of us was pushed into our seats with force. The window was now pointing to the sky and I knew we were on our way to space because the sky was turning from blue to black.

We're almost there...

Sorry this chapter is short...Im kinda stuck on how to transition so dont hate meh °^°

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