Surprise Muthafucka

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The following events happened in a blur. I remember taking one step and I was already behind Hugo. I guess he sensed me because he swung his arm backwards at me...but it seem like it was in slow motion. I easily ducked under his attack and punched him in his side, sending him into the closet. The soldiers turn and began firing on me, but just as Hugo attack was, they were all in slow motion.

I felt like I was in the matrix as I quickly jumped off the bed and dropkick a soldier through the window. I heard noise so I turned back around to she that Colton and Blake were in combat with the other 2 soliders. Blake was beating the fuck out of his opponent while it seemed that Colton and his opponent were of the same strength. Hugo crawled out of the closet and crack his neck.

"It's been a while sense someone has taken me off my feet. I'll be sure you'll be the last." Hugo said, charging at me as soon as he finished.

He was faster than before, which scared me slightly, but I remember that the only thing I have to fear, is fear itself. And from the looks of it, he's not me so I'm not afraid.

I took my defensive stance and prepared to counter when he was suddenly tackled into the wall by someone. I looked over to see Blake beating a dead body even more to death and Colton, panting with his opponent laying unconscious. I looked back at the bed to see Abby, wrapped in covers unconscious. Who the fuck?

I look at the wall to see none other than Niani Redwine herself crawling out the hole.

"Hi kids!" She said, happily. Miami crawled out after her. Damn, that hole must've been big.

"Hey bae! Hey 2 guys I don't know! Hey Abb- ABBY!" She screamed and basically jumped on top of her. I instantly saw her begin to cry as she also began talking to a probably unconscious Abby. "Abby!! Wake up please!! You can't fucking die!" She cried out.

Mama was with her. Even though her voice was strong and her words clear, even I saw her tears. "Miami. We have to get her to the medical staff. We got no time to cry right now, we have to stay strong! For her!" She said. Miami nodded then gasped when we all heard a groan come from the hole in the wall.

Hugo crawled out, barely scrathed, as he dusted himself off. "You all are such nuisances. He cracked his neck once more before cracking his knuckles. "Alright, who's gonna die first? 1 of my soldiers is worth than all of you combined."

I sighed and stepped up, not really in the mood for the bad guy taunting. Blake stepped up beside me. I looked him and he nodded his head as he too transformed. His aura was yellowish-orange instead of my redish-purplish-blue.

Ah, I thought I felt Jiren near. I'm now feeling a lot of my bretheren here.

Say what now?


I sighed as me and Blake both looked at Hugo before charged at him. We both threw our fists as they collided with his open palms. The impact caused an explosion that sent him, and the wall behind him, about the distance of 5 football fields.

We stood there, our arms still side by side and our fists out. Our aura soon went away.

We heard 2 camera snaps behind us and turned around to see Mama with her phone out.

"Abby's gonna love this." She said before walking out the room.

After a few moments, me and Blake finally looked at each other.

"Looks like we have some common ground. You know we both got to protect her right?" I ask.

"Yep. I ready to squash our rivalry if you are." He says.


I put out my hand and he shakes it firmly. I grin and he smiles. When we let go, we both turned to head into the living room. We were met with a squad of 25 soldiers, running past us into the bedroom. I guess they were going to lock up the enemy.


When we arrived at the medical area, we were immediately taken to Abby's room. Major and Sergeant Cox were there as well as Mama, Miami, and Colton.

Abby was up, sitting in bed looking miserable while Miami was trying her best to comfort her. They were hugging while Major and Sergeant where questioning Colton and Mama.

I walked up to Major while Blake went to Abby.

"Sir, Tech Sergeant Damien, requesting permission to speak."

"Permission granted. What happened?" Major asked.


And then I told him. I told him my side of the story. The Blake came up and told his side. Major said that our story was the same, just in different POVs. The only missing peice of the puzzle was how and when they got in. The puzzle may be able to be solved, if the main person were to talk.

Abby hasn't spoken. She won't speak. Major understands why but Sergeant doesn't. He wants to interrogate her but Major won't let him. But he does pull me to the side.

"You know what you have to do right?"

"She wont talk to me, I believe she'd rather talk to Blake." I say simply.

"We asked, and got no response. When we said Redwine, still nothing. But when we said your name, her expression didn't change, but she looked at me. We'll leave the room for you two to talk." Major said.

"Fine...but I won't push her." I state.

"Hey, ho! Thats fine by me." He said, smiling.

I take a deep breath, and we walk back into the room. Major asks everyone to leave. After some goodbyes, with Blake staying a little longer until Major finally got him to leave, it was just me and her. I sat on the edge of her bed.

"Sis...what happ-" I was interrupted by her jumping into my lap and hugging me tightly. She then broke down into my arms. I let her and just rub her back, hugging back just as tight.

"D-dont let t-them t-touch m-me..." She cried into my shoulder.

My heart ached as I've never seen my sister this low. Rage filled me as I promised myself and her that I would ultimately punish SDF and destroy all they stand for.

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