Xan II

12 0 22

I woke up to shouting and yelling.

My body hurt all over. This felt worse than what happened to Taylor. I feel like shit that's been thrown up, then eaten and shifted out again.

I lazily looked to my left and see Mama yell at Major and Sergeant, who were both sitting behind the things judges sit behind in court cases. I looked further left and saw a guy and my cell guard sitting behind a table, shaking their heads. My cell guard was in a suit that had his arms behind his back.

I felt my senses come to and I became my alert. I closed my eyes and felt for my surroundings. I was apparently covered in bandages and I was also sitting in my sister's embrace. I'm guessing she thought I was sleep since she was softly crying and hugging me tightly. Blake was in the row behind up. The guys; Colton, George, and Garner, were sitting a couple of rows behind us as well as most of our fleet. I smiled under my bandaged face. Maybe some people did care. Maybe.

"Redwine! Calm down, remember that you are a commander! You of all people should know not to mix family with personal. Now I suggest you sit down and let the defendants defend themselves. Maybe they can present their counter argument unlike you who have missed multiple presentation briefings." Major said.

Mama muttered some unique words. I only knew thanks to Xan. She came to sit beside me and Abby and grabbed my hand. I felt nothing so I'm guessing Xan still waking my body up.


Thanks pal.

No prob.

The person that was sitting beside my cell guard stood up in front of Major and Sergeant.

"Major, Sergeant. I'm sure you both got my presentation on Personal and Professional mixes amongst the ranks." He said, looking at Niani and smiling. They both nodded and I could feel Mama's anger rising.

"It's has brought to my attention that since the defendant is still in an unconscious state, there is no real way of knowing what happened until he comes to. There is also no evidence showi-"

"THE EVIDENCE IS ON HIS FUCKING BODY!" Niani shouted, jumping to her feet.

"THAT'S ENOUGH REDWINE!" Sergeant Cox yelled, pounding his hands on the desk. "One more outburst and you can see yourself out of this court case. You're lucky enough as is that you, his mother, is his attorney! No shut up, and have some discipline."

Mama sat down, a whole new woman. Her posture even even seemed straighter.

Okay, no body shuts my mom up with mere words. Xan, you done?

Almost. Just a few mins.

Alright, please do so with haste.

"As I was saying is my client is never allowed to go in the prisoner's room. Only one person is allowed and that's the cook. Any other time, the defendant has to come out to be transported somewhere. So, instead of my client being charged, maybe Mr. Damien should be taken to a facility to see why he is suicidal. Problems at home? I heard he got into a tussle with his sisters supposed boyfriend on more than on occassion. This also caused the destruction of a hospital room. Guess who had to pay for that. OR, perhaps it's a breakup stage. Maybe the effects of killing his love out of cold blood is starting to effect him. He may be slowly suffering the dangerous stages of depression. Take all these into mind when making a decision."

"We can't make a final decision until he wakes up." Major said.

"That's just my thing! He messed himself up pretty bad and he might be out of it for a while. What if this takes months?? Are we really going to postpone the court case let's say, next year??"

Major and Sergeant looked at each other seemed to take this into consideration. I felt Mama let go of my hand and put her hand into her hands.

"I'm so sorry Damien..." She quietly said.

I felt Sis loosen her hold on me and start to cry on my shoulder. I then felt movement and closed my eyes. Colton, George, and Garner were leaving, each one of their moods were full of disappointment.

Sighing, I opened my eyes and stood up. Abby was first to gasp, then the rest of the room followed in her lead.

I looked from Major and Sergeant, to the other lawyer, to my cell guard, and finally I turned around to the congression. The guys were standing at the door, looking at me with eyes of shock.

I turned around and looked dead at Sergeant. He shifted in his seat then I turned my eyes to Major. He seemed amused. I looked up and took a deep breathe in.

Then I told them.

I told them every thing in extreme detail. While I was telling my story, I kept my eyes open focusing solely and equally on Major and Sergeant's eyes. My voice was even and I spoke with confidence. When the attorney looked as if he was going to interrupt, I just looked at him and he kept his mouth shut.

When I finished, the room was deathly quiet.

Major then cleared his throat. "Well Mr. Damien, I'm sure you know we can't really believe that if you're standing perfectly normal."

"I control my own death, I don't need no fucking help."

Mama and Sergeant both cleared their throats while Major just chuckled.

"I don't used to tell me wife that. But hey, we're not gonna get into that. Look, my point is, we all want to know, how are you alive and well?"

"I had help."

"From whom?"

"Its best if you don't know." I said firmly.

"Well I guess I know who I'm ruling in favor of." Major started.

"He won't let me tell."

I said nothing.

"I'm waiting."

I sighed. "Xan...would you please?"


"Speak." Xan's voice boomed with authority, making the room shake slightly.

Nice effect.

I'll teach you to do it one day.


"Uhh..um Xan, is it?" Major asked hesitantly.

They clearly knew I wasn't taking. A person can't make the voice go from a C on a clarinet to the lowest note possible on a tuba.

"It is I."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Mr. Xan."

"Pleasure is all mine"

"Well...since you're clearly a different perso-"

"You can't be serious. Are you really considering that this 'Xan' character isn't really just a personality disorder? Use logi-"

He was interrupted by laughter.

It wasn't me. It wasn't Major. It wasn't Sergeant. It wasn't Niani, Abby, or Blake. It wasn't Xan.

The Story of Damien the Great {[DISCONTINUED]}Where stories live. Discover now