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we got to the mall and things were actually going really well, he was super nice and very funny, same humour as me which is good

suddenly his phone started ringing

"oh hold on its my girlfriend"


he answered and we continued to walk

"yeah, no i'm just at the grove with a friend, ill be back at the apartment in like an hour, okay, bye"

he hung up and it went quiet

"everything okay?" he asked

"yeah, yeah everything's all good, so do you have any siblings"

"yeah I have an older sister named Sydnie but my mom and dad got divorced after they had me and when my mom remarried she had two kids, Ava who is 14 and Isla who is 10, and my dad had a daughter named Camilla and I definitely don't know how old she is, what about you?"

I laughed as we turned into the shoe store

"yeah, I have an older sister named Lia and after me my parents got divorced too and only dad remarried and him and his wife had a little boy named Tyson"

"was that the kid who kissed your cheek before you left?" he smiled and I nodded

"yea, my mom travels a lot so we spend our time at our dads so Tyson and I are as close as a toddler and a teenager can be"

he laughed and picked up the shoe, it was $1134 and I almost shit myself


he turned "yeah?"

"if your able to afford $1134 shoes then you must be famous?"

he smiled "well yeah I guess you could say that"

"so do you act? sing? youtuber?"

"you know the 5 guys I was with?" he asked

"oh no don't tell me you guys have orgys and film it" we both broke out into laughter and he shook his head

"no no, we are in a band called Why Don't We"

"like a, make music in your moms garage mind of band, or selling out arenas?"

"like selling out arenas"

met my first famous person

"whats your instagram?"


I searched him up '1.6m'

"wow so you are like really famous"

he laughed "I mean I wouldn't say 'really famous'"


"the band account is @whydontwemusic"

I hit his shoulder lightly "you are famous as fuck" he laughed and slowly made his way to a worker to get his shoe size, I looked him up and down and saw some girls rush into the store and run up to Jack

I looked away and down at my phone as I got a text

from Jack Avery
don't come over here till they r gone they will get suspicious and maybe post about it

to Jack Avery

I turned and pretended to look at shoes, after about 30 minutes I felt a hand on my lower back and I turned and came face to face with Jack

there is no way this guy actually has a girlfriend


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