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I sat on the patio with the boys and most of the family members, they were preparing to leave for tour and I was pretty bummed

Jack and I hung out a lot this week, not like sexual but just hung out, it was nice

they all stood by the door and we each hugged them

when I got to Jack it seemed like he hugged me just a little tighter then the others and I low key kissed his cheek

he pulled his head away but kept me in his arm, I saw his eyes look at my lips and my heart picked up speed

"stay safe, stay happy, ill be back in 2 months okay? and ill FaceTime you as much as I can"

he hugged me again and then pulled away and engulfed Isla and kissed all over her face, I want to date this boy

like for a long long long long time

I hugged Zach "take care of yourself" he smiled at me and I nodded "love you best friend" we laughed and I then hugged the rest of the boys

Daniel smiled when we pulled away "don't get in n out without me"

I laughed

"see you soon"


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