fifty one

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I woke up and heard heavy breathing and felt a cold breeze coming from behind me, I turned over and saw Jack sitting up out of breath

"Babe" I sat up and rubbed his back and he tried to catch his breath

he started to calm down and I was now wide awake

"i'm going insane I can't do this" he whispered

"Jack you're the strongest person I know, you can get through this I know it"

"but what happens when we go on tour, what if i'm not better, I literally just got over being hurt and not being able to perform I feel like the universe is just telling me to stop trying"

"if anything the universe is only just testing you because they know at the end up the day it'll make you stronger than ever"

he laid back in bed and I looked at him

"i'm sorry for waking you"

"don't be sorry"

Jack and I walked into the apartment building and went up to the patio and everyone was there, Isla walked over to him and he lifted her up and he smiled wide

he can be in the worst mood of his life but being around his family will instantly cheer him up

I followed behind them and he walked over to the boys as I walked over to Ava

she hugged me and I smiled

"hi cutie"

"hey" she showed me this shirt she just bought and I felt a hand on my waist, I turned and saw Jack as he hugged Ava

my phone buzzed

wdw girls group chat:

from Tate
okay so when the boys leave for their other tour I think we should fly Christina out and then all hang out like until we have to go to some of the shows obviously

to wdw girls
yes of course i'm so down for that

from Christina
i'm down, i think ill be able too, classes are almost over for spring break

to wdw girls

from Kay
guys help

to wdw girls
what's wrong

from Kay
can anyone hang out?

to wdw girls
i'm with the families rn but after

from Kay

I put my phone away and I looked around and walked toward Jack and Kristen

they were whispering about something and Jack quickly put his phone away and they stopped talking, he looked happy


"hi" Kristen smiled and Jack winked at me

I knocked on Kay's apartment door and she opened it right away, she pulled me inside

"so what's wrong?"

"Zach and I just got into a fight because I was trying to tell him something and I started getting nervous and I got mad at him for no reason and I feel really bad-"

"wait wait wait what'd you wanna tell him"

"I-" she took a deep breath "I think i'm pregnant"


her eyes watered and I hugged her "I was late on my period and it's been a while since when I was supposed to have it and the last time we fucked he didn't pull out and i'm so scared"

"hey listen it's gonna be okay, do you have a test?"

she nodded and pulled away from the hug

"okay go try taking one, im gonna call Zach tell him what's going on and i'll be here the whole time"

she nodded again "thank you so much"

she walked to the bathroom and I pulled out my phone and quickly called him



"what's up"

"i'm at Kay's house right now and she has a suspicion that she's- pregnant and that's why she fought with you but she needs you right now can you come to her place?"

"holy shit i'm on my way" he hung up and I walked toward the bathroom and sat outside the door

within 5 minutes Zach had walked in and I hugged him "is she in there?" he asked

I nodded

"Kay, baby it's me" she opened the door and rushed into his arms, I figured I should probably get going so I walked out

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