forty four

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The boys are home today and i'm beyond excited, I haven't seen Jack in like a long ass time

I woke up and threw on a grey sweatshirt with the band queen on it and black leggings, my hair was already straight from last night

I went to dinner with Sydnie and Makena

my phone buzzed and I quickly checked

from Jack
landing in 5 :)

Kristin was picking them up and bringing them back to the apartments, I quickly rushed out the door and hopped in my car and drove to the Avery apartment

when I knocked Darrin opened it and I walked in and saw Ava and Isla sitting on the couch while Sydnie was making food in the kitchen

Ava hugged me, then Isla, then Syd

"what're you making"

"kraft dinner"

"how fun" i laughed at her and leaned against the counter as I heard the door opened I looked toward it and saw Keri and Jeff walking in

Keri said hi and I hugged her and Jeff

"how much longer" I groaned as I sat down on the couch and Isla came and sat on my lap and I took a picture with her and put it on my instagram story

a bunch of fan accounts posted about it

I followed one and it was a drama room account cuz I find some of the assumptions funny

they reposted the picture

Sydnie came toward me and took my phone

"what'd you do that for"

"don't look at the comments"


"people are being idiotic"

I sighed and leaned my head against Isla, I heard the door opened and I looked over and saw Kristin walking in

Isla got off me and Jack walked in and made direct eye contact with me, I rushed over and jumped into his arms, he squeezed me tightly and I laughed into his shoulder

"I missed you too much" he said and dropped his bag and wrapped his other arm around me

"I missed you more" I whispered back and he pulled away and Isla ran to him and he picked her up "hey baby girl"

he kissed her cheek and set her down then hugged Ava, Sydnie and Darrin

after catching up we were all sitting around the living room talking, Jack was sitting at the piano and I was on the chair next to it

he played some songs and I admired him

I missed this boy so much

he looked over at me and gave me a look and spoke in a low voice as everyone else continued to talk

"we're going out tonight and then your coming back to my apartment for the night" he winked

"what're we doing before?"

"we're gonna go out for dinner"


"surprise, just dress nice but comfy"

"how can you dress nice and comfy at the same time"

"well something nice that can be easily taken off" he whispered the last part and I hit his arm as we both laughed

I put on black mom jeans and a white top that was slight cropped, it was a plain outfit but I was playing it safe

Jack honked and I walked outside as I put my small bag over my shoulder and walked out

"where are we going" I asked

"the beach"

"Jack, you should've told me to wear a bathing suit"

"no I have other plans"

I gave him a confused look and we continued driving

I laughed at a few jokes he said and we continued to talk until he pulled up in the parking lot of the beach

he ran out of the car and went to open the door for me but he wiped out, I opened the door and we both laughed as he slowly stood up and I got out and we began walking to the beach

we walked to the section that was rocks and we sat down on the rocks

he wrapped his arm around me and I leaned against him "I love you" he muttered and I smiled and kissed his jaw

"I love you too"

"no but like I really do, don't get me wrong, tour was absolutely amazing and I love meeting fans and performing with everything in me but I missed holding you and spending almost everyday with you and I love you"

I wrapped my arms around him

Jack and I ended up back at his apartment after dinner

Jack grabbed my waist as he sat down on the couch and he pulled me onto his lap and we started making out, his hands roamed my body

(lil warning)

my arms wrapped around his neck and I deepened the kiss, I moved my hand down to his pants and his breathing picked up

I moved off his lap and I crawled over him and took his shirt and threw it behind us, I leaned down and kissed him more as his hands found their way to the hem of my shirt

he took it off and threw it, our clothes continued to get thrown across the apartment

he grabbed a condom from his wallet and I laughed at him "what?" he asked me "you were expecting this to happen"

I cut him off by kissing him before he could continue with anything else

he thrusted into me and I moaned by surprise

I leaned up and kissed him as he continued thrusting, I flipped us over and moved my hips back and fourth as I straddled him

his hands ended up on my waist and I threw my head back as he grunted a few times

I started continuously moaning loudly and we continued for a little longer

he pulled out and made me stand up and pushed me down so I was bending over, over the couch

he thrusted into me and I moaned again as he went hard and didn't give me a warning

"J-Jack" I tried to get his attention to slow down but he wasn't listening

we both finished and I collapsed on the couch and he rushed to the bathroom, I heard the shower start


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