fifty five

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I walked into this modelling studio, Jeremy wanted me to start doing a bit of modelling for instagram and stuff

a women walked up to me and grabbed my bag and put it aside and immediately started doing my makeup

"so tell me about you" she said and I smiled "um well i'm 19, my names Bryden, my mom named me this because her moms name was Bryanna and she wanted me to be something similar but more unique"

"that's really cool actually, i'm Lisa"

we continued talking and the photographer walked over and gave me this look that made me feel really uncomfortable

the makeup artist noticed and she glanced back at him "she will be done in a sec thanks"

he walked off and she finished and I quickly changed

"i'll be right here" she reassured me and I smiled and walked over, he put his hand on my back and made my sit on the stool in the middle "let me help you pose properly okay?"

I hesitated and nodded

he lifted my chin and then moved his hands to my waist and tried to make me move but then his hands started roaming me

"um can you stop"

he looked up and gave me this smile "sorry" he walked back to the camera and the photo shoot went on

things became normal and it was late now, Jack was picking me up in like 2 minutes

"one last pose okay?" he came closer to me and took the stool as I stood up

he positioned me and his hands started roaming again I tried to move but he gripped me so I couldn't

fuck this

this is not happening

I went to yell out something to Lisa but he covered my mouth, I tried to move again but I was frozen still, his hand moved to underneath my shirt and I snapped out of my trance and tried to push him away but he kept coming


his hand went underneath the dress I was wearing and he started unbuckling his pants with his other hand and I kept pushing him away but he pushed me down to the ground and covered my mouth

"Lisa" I tried to yell out as I started crying

he thrusted into me once and I kept pushing him off me and he kept coming back until I pushed him hard enough that he fell over, I fixed my underwear and dress and ran out as I cried, all I have is my phone

when I ran out I saw Jack getting out of the car and walking forward

I ran to him and he caught me in his arms

"hey what's wrong?"

I sobbed and I couldn't breathe


"t-t-the photographer he-" his face dropped and he held me tightly

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