forty nine

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Zach shoved me into the pool and I went flying in, I was wearing a white cropped tank top and jean shorts, I came up from underneath the water and flipped him off as he laughed

Jack laughed and helped me out of the pool and wrapping a towel around me

"no one look because her shirt is see through" he yelled and I laughed at him as we walked up to his apartment and I threw off my shirt and it landed on his head

"i'm sorrryyy" we both laughed and I put one of his shirts on

"I have a big question for you" he came toward me and threw my shirt in his dirty laundry pile

"what's this big question"

"my mom is having a bunch of my family come visit and I want you to meet all of them"

my stomach turned and I smiled "yes of course, when?"

"next week"

"yeah sure id love too" I said and he kissed me


Jack kissed my neck as he crawled over top of me, I sighed and my phone buzzed, I ignored it and he slowly made his way down and pulled off my underwear and shorts I was wearing

he started leaving hickeys on my inner thigh and made his way to the middle

I moaned softly and my phone buzzed again

I put my hands in his hair and he hummed making me moan again, he thrusted 2 fingers into me and I continued to moan

my phone buzzed but this time it was a phone call, I snapped back into reality and grabbed my phone to answer but Jack didn't stop

"Jack stop" I muttered and answered


"hey" my dad said over the phone

Jack continued and I bit my lip and tried to push him away, why does he always do this

"what's up?"

"you and Jack wanna come over tonight for dinner?"

"yeah sure"

I grabbed Jacks hair and pullled it so he stopped "ow"

"what was that?" my dad asked

"oh Jack just, hit his- head"

"oh okay, we'll see you at 5?"

"yeah sure"

he hung up and I got up and put my pants and underwear back on "get ready we're going to my dads at 5 and it's 4

Jack got up and started kissing my neck, I groaned but then I leaned my head back and moaned quietly

"lefts finish what we started" he said in a low tone

(a little warning)

his hands roamed my body and ended up on my butt, he lifted me up and my legs wrapped around his waist, he cleared everything off his dresser and sat me on it as we continued to make out

my hand went down his pants and he moaned as I started rubbing

our clothes came off and we ended up on the bed he flipped me over so I was on my hands and knees and he thrusted into me, I moaned loudly and I could hear him grunting

"Jack" I moaned out as he hit my butt and started going faster

he flipped me over so I was on my back and his hand went around my neck, I grabbed his arm with one hand while the other was holding onto the side of the bed

my moaning got louder and by now i was screaming, we both finished and Jacks phone went off as he laid back beside me

(it's done)

he picked it up and answered

"hello?" he was out of breath

he laughed and I stood up and rushed to the bathroom

Jack and I sat at the dinner table and Jack started helping my dad with cleaning the table and bringing the dishes to the kitchen

Jacks POV

I grabbed Bryden, Lia, and Tonia's plate and walked into the kitchen and saw Franke (Brydens dad I honestly completely forget if I gave him a name or not but looks like it's gonna be Franke)

"hey thanks for the help" he smiled at me as I started helping him clean the kitchen

"well thanks for dinner"

"on a real note-" he set the plate down "thank you for being so kind and treating Bry amazing even after the whole situation with me went down, thank you"

"of course i'll always be here for her"

"please continue to be careful and take care of her because I don't know if you can tell, she's kinda sensitive"

"i'm not gonna do anything to her that you wouldn't want me too"

he raised an eyebrow and my eyes widened a little bit, he laughed slightly and looked at me

"you think i don't know what you do with my daughter?" he laughed


"Jack listen it's fine, you guys are young I just ask that you don't be irresponsible"

"we never are"

"thank you" he smiled and walked out

I followed behind him and sat back down beside Bryden "your dad knows about us fuc-" I whispered and her head whipped toward me "what?"

"he just said to be responsible, I don't know how he knows but he does"

"did he freak out?"

"no he was really chill about it"

I put my hand on her leg and looked up and Tyson was smiling at me, I started making funny faces and he laughed each time.


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