twenty six

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I landed in Minnesota and saw Jonah's mom waiting for me, I smiled at her and she hugged me, I met her once and we got along so I was happy to see her

after the 30 minute drive we arrived at the house and Svea greeted me at the door

"Jonah, Jack, Corbyn, Bry's here" she yelled as she shut the door behind us

the three of them appeared and hugged me, Jack kissed my cheek and then went to lean in but stopped himself, probably because of the people around us

"we're going snowboarding at 5 after we eat" Jonah said to his mom as Jack grabbed my bags and showed me where the room was

Jack put the bags down and then shut the door behind us

he immediately put his hands on my waist and leaned in to kiss me, he lingered for a while and then pulled away

"i'm happy to see you"

"me too, it's been sad in Los Angeles without you" I pecked his lips and then took a hoodie from my bag and put it on

he immediately grabbed me again and started we making out

we want to wait till we get serious to do anything again but I can tell it's hard for him and not going to lie it's very hard for me too

there was a knock at the door and we immediately pulled away and he turned to the door and opened it

"hi" Corbyn smiled and fell backwards into the guest bed


"are you gonna come snowboarding with us?"

"no because I don't know how and I don't have stuff to go snowboarding with"

"damn" Corbyn said and he pulled out his phone

"okay well let's get ready and go" Corbyn waves Jack over with him and Jack kissed my cheek quickly and walked out with Corbyn

I sat with Esther and she showed me different outfits for her date tonight with her boyfriend

my phone rang

'from Jonah'


he sounded frantic and out of breath

"Bry? we were going down the hill and somebody crashed into Jack making him fall over and he tried to get up again but fell over again and crashed into this boulder and he isn't moving and i'm trying to get him up but Corbyn and I don't know what to do"

"are you near the bottom?"


"get someone to get the medic with the thing on the back"


there was faint talking

"okay there getting him on the stretcher but he's still not moving"

on the inside I was freaking out but Jonah sounded on the verge of tears so I was trying to stay calm

"hey, it's okay, he will be okay, they will bring him back here and we will figure it out okay"

he sighed "okay we're leaving we will see you in 5"

he hung up and I rushed up to Jonah's mom and started frantically telling her finally being able to let out everything

"hey honey it's okay" she hugged me and after a few minutes of talking the door busted open and Jack had one arm around Jonah and one around Corbyn and he was groaning

they laid him down on the couch and he threw his head back but didn't move

"h-help it hurts"

Jonah's mom ran to the couch and attempted to get Jacks jacket off

"what hurts?"

"everything, I-I can't breathe without p-pain" he was wheezing and Jonah's mom called 911 and I texted Kristin

to Kristin
hey, Jack got into a snowboarding accident and we are calling 911

my phone immediately started ringing and I answered


"what happened?!"

"he-" I was cut off by Jack groaning loudly when Jonah and Corbyn took off his Jacket "someone crashed into him making him tumble down the hill but then he tried to stand up and he went right into a massive rock and now he's claiming it hurts to breathe"

Kristin has put me on speaker i'm guessing because Sydnie started asking me questions, I handed the phone to Jonah and there was a knock on the door

Esther opened it and the paramedics rushed in with a stretcher

they want to fly Jack to the Los Angeles hospital but he's in so much pain he's refusing

"Mr. Avery it'll be a faster recovery and they have the right machinery and stuff for this type of injury

"your a hospital where this happens you sh- ow" he gripped onto my hand and I played with his rings

"sir we are going to get you to the hospital right away, don't worry"

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