sixty five

602 18 1

nobody told me you could have withdrawals from alcohol

i've been experiencing them on and off

when I walked out of my room I saw Corbyn, Zach, Christina and-


I froze and Christina looked at me

Jack stared, almost like he was shocked that I was still alive or even still a human

I did still look like shit though

my eye bags were all shades of red and purple, I had the shakes constantly, my hair was pulled back into a low ponytail and I was in my current usual, grey joggers and big t shirts

"I- I was going to go out"

my voice was shaky

"do you want me to come?" Christina asked and I shook my head

"no I just need a little walk- fresh a-air you know?" I said and Jack and I locked eyes

I put my checkered vans and left

I attempted to take some deep breaths


his voice is to familiar to brush off, I turned around and tried to hide my shaking hands, his presence and me not being able to stay close to him made me crave alcohol


"can we talk?"



my face stayed showing no emotion and I nodded

"look i'm so sorry for freaking out at you for no reason, I didn't mean anything I said"

"but you said it Jack, that hurts"

"I-I know and i've regretted it everyday"

"I tried reaching out to you after a week and you didn't answer"

"I broke my phone"

I gave him a look

"no i'm serious" he showed me the now upgraded phone he had and I nodded and looked back up into his eyes

"I need to walk"

he let me walk off and I took one huge deep breath

I paced back and fourth in my room and shook my hands trying to keep my calm, I need it I need it

no I don't

i'm perfectly fine

my door opened and I looked and it started rocking back and fourth as a bright white figure started to crawl toward me and then onto my bed

"CHRISTINA" I yelled and she opened my door and ran in

"that- was- what was that?"

"what was what? what's going on?"

"there's a figure-" it popped up in the corner and I pointed

"hunny" she ran toward me and hugged me as I shut my eyes "you're hallucinating it's okay it's not real don't worry"

"why-why am I hallucinating"

"your withdrawing, you weren't sober for a month so your body got use to being more awake and adjusted to having alcohol in your system all the time"

I shook and somebody bursted through the door, I saw Jack "is h-he real?"

Christina turned "yes"

"are you sure? are you real"

she squeezed me and let go as Jack rushed over to me, we sat down on the ground and I laid down with my head on his chest

he held me close to him

"please tell me this is real" I sniffled and could smell his cologne everywhere

"i'm real"

I shook in his arms

"I need you"

he squeezed me tighter, if that was even possible

"it's okay we're gonna be okay"

THE END, i'm so sorry that it's ending in an odd way but I won't be updating this story anymore, THANK YOU for all the love n support and kind messages i've gotten from most of you, if any of you ever need anything my messages are open :)))

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