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Jacks been having a tough time mentally today and we're trying to make him go out but he really doesn't want too

I laid in his bed and he walked out of the bathroom wearing just white basketball shorts

he laid down beside me and buried his face in my neck "Baby, let's go out tonight, we can go out for dinner with the boys and their girlfriends and then we can do a small meet up with your fans or something because that will 110% cheer you up"

he looked at me "you're right"

"i'll text Tyler?"


I grabbed my phone and texted him and then texted Corbyn telling him to ask everyone if we could go for dinner tonight

my phone went off and I was added to a group chat

from wdw girls
(Tate, Christina, Kay, and Bryden)

from Tate
hi b

from Christina
hi cutie girl

from Kay
hi pretty

to wdw girls
hi, what is this

from Christina
we decided to add you to the wdw girlfriend gc because Jack is just in love with you

to wdw girls
aww, wow I feel special to have made it in here

from Tate
ohh btw Jonah and I are able to come tonight

from Christina
I miss you guys :'( I wanna come visit soon

to wdw girls

from Kay
Zach and I are coming

from Christina

"who are you texting?"

"why don't we girlfriends" I smiled and he kissed my cheek and took my phone

to wdw girls
hi it's Jack

from Christina

from Kay
hey buddy

from Tate

to wdw girls
stop stealing her from me

from Christina
oops already did😎

from Tate
sorry pal too late for that

from Kay

we all walked around downtown Los Angeles and Tyler has set up and rsvp meet and greet like first 100 or something

the boys started walking and their old tour bus pulled up so they could wait on there

we all sat on the bus and I was talking to Kay

the fans started screaming

Jacks POV
the boys and I walked out of the tour bus and I was wearing a red 8 letters tour hoodie and joggers

we all started talking to them and they kept asking for pictures, it started getting really crowded and something went wrong in my mind, I looked around and the rest of the boys were occupied

the closest one to me was Daniel

I grabbed his arm kinda tightly and he turned

I gave him a look and Tyler walked toward me "are you okay"

"my anxiety is really bad right now i'm gonna start freaking out in a second" I looked around frantically and almost fell over until a fan caught me, she gave me a worried smile

"hi" I said and we talked until it started coming back but stronger

I walked past the fence they put up temporarily and everyone started yelling my name, my breathing became heavy and Tyler wrapped his arms around me to basically pick me up to the bus

we walked back and he accidentally bumped us into Daniel, Daniel turned and saw what was going on and he helped Tyler bring me onto the bus, my breathing became heavier and I put my hands in my hair

Bryden put her hand on my leg and grabbed it and tried to calm down "I- I ca-"

"hey it's okay just calm down okay" she gave me a reassuring smile and I leaned my head on her shoulder as she rubbed my back and the rest of the boys rushed on the bus

I started to breathe slower and calm down

everyone looked at me concerned and I put my face in my hands

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