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Jack and I laid in bed and watched Coco

it was the last day before my tour, and his and we were both a little sad about it but he was more excited for tour then me

the picture has started to die down with all the drama around it but they have their hearts set on making sure it's me

Jack pulled me closer to him and I adjusted my head on his chest "can your family come to dinner with my family tonight, Tonia wants to meet them and my dads making a big dinner tonight" I asked

"let me text my mom" he grabbed his phone "actually wait she upstairs with Sydnie, Ava, Isla, and Darrin so let's just go ask" he got up and left me on the bed

he grabbed my waist and lifted me off the bed, I adjusted the jeans and top I was wearing as we walked out of his apartment

Jonah and Tate were walking out of Jonah's apartment

Tate saw me and rushed to me

we hugged and I laughed "YOUR LEAVING FOR TOUR TOMORROW AND YOU THOUGHT YOU COULDN'T SAY BYE TO ME" she squeezed me tightly

"I didn't wanna bother you"

Jonah gave Jack a confused look and Jack gave him a weak smile

"BOTHER ME? you could never, I fricken love you" I smiled and laughed as she pulled away

"i'll go ask my mom, i'll be back" Jack smiled as he walked away

I rushed to clean up the house and Tyson ran to me and jumped on my back as I continued to rush around

the doorbell rang

"i'll get it" Lia yelled from downstairs, Tonia and my dad were making me power clean the upstairs which was hard because it's SO MESSY but i'm somehow managing

I heard voices and immediate laughter, a good sign that they're getting along

"Bry cmon"

Tyson giggled as I tried to get him off my back

"Ty cmon you have to get off" I said frustratedly and I heard footsteps

I turned and saw Jack

"can you help me" I asked quietly and he chuckled as he picked Tyson up off of me, Tyson stretched his arms out and leaned his head on Jack

"I need to get changed still" I walked to my room and he followed me

I quickly changed into black jeans and a cropped white t shirt with Jacks checkered jean jacket and black nike airs

Jack looked me up and down as I walked out of the bathroom and Tyson ran to me, I lifted him and we walked downstairs, Isla walked toward me and smiled at Tyson as I set him down

we all started talking and Sydnie was having a really in depth conversation with Tonia

Kristin hugged me

"i'm gonna miss you sweetheart" she laughed lightly and I hugged her back "i'm gonna miss you more I promise you that"

she let go

"do you have a show in Los Angeles?"

I nodded "yeah it's December 1st, I would love if you guys came, you don't have to b-"

"WHAT! no of course we are coming, I think Jack leaves the day before for the tour but we will 100% be there" she smiled

"thank you, it means actually a lot" she hugged me

"of course hunny"

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