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I walked down the stairs and my dad stopped me "where are you going?"

"my friend Jacks house"

"friend? Jack? a boy? dressed like that?"

"I have pants on, its super hot out dad"

he sighed "then why do you have a sweater on?"

"because I don't want to look hoeish"

"hm, how long are you going to Jacks, its like 9, don't be home too late or you will be grounded"

"I know ill be home before 12"

"12?! your going to Jacks for 3 hours? what are you guys gonna be doing"

"hanging out with his little sister I think"

"oh, get going then" I chuckled and walked out the door

the drive there was pretty quiet for myself, is this gonna be like a friends with benefits thing? because it hasn't even started and I know that I want to be with him

I arrived at the apartments and texted Olivia the whole walk up

to Olivia
im at his door but I can hear Cotton eyed Joe blasting and that makes me nervous

I laughed and knocked and he answered and I saw Corbyn, Jonah, Zach, and Daniel dancing around in the background and laughing at each other

Zach fake gasped "wheres your pants" he looked at me and I laughed and lifted my sweater slightly to show the shorts I had on

"Im gonna hang with her for a bit and then we can go get chipotle after my dudes" Jack said as they started to shuffle out

"sorry about that" he laughed and shut the door behind me, I laughed and his hand immediately went to my waist

"wait" he rushed to his phone and changed the song

it was a slow paced song and then his lips were on mine, we moved toward the couch and I sat on the edge as his hands went down to my butt

"jump" he muttered against my lips and I wrapped my legs around his torso

he carried me to his room and laid me down on his bed, the music filled the silence, he lifted my sweater over my head and I was left in my Calvin Klein sports bra and my shorts

I giggled and he pulled away "what?"

"I fuck Jack Avery in my Calvins" I then bursted into laughter and he laughed at me

"well I fuck Bryden Lacey in my Calvins, I think i'm wearing them" he looked down at himself

"well you wont be soon"

he gave me this look and immediately attacked me again

my hands went under his shirt, pulled it off and threw it to the ground

he pulled of my shorts and threw them

things got much more intense and our clothes came off quick, you get what came next

I sat up and used his sheets cover me, he passed right out after we finished and I checked the time '11:43' I have to go

I got up and left

to Olivia

from Olivia

to Olivia

from Olivia

I rushed home

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