sixty three

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I finally finished unpacking my clothes into my new apartment with Christina, she rushed into my room and screamed excitedly


I laughed at her and laid back onto my bed "this is honestly the nicest place i've ever lived and i'm in love with my room"

she smiled widely "wait you go on tour like super soon, what am I gonna do without you"

"well, it won't be too different since we just moved in"

she nodded "true I guess"

there was a knock on the door and I went over to answer it, Jack looked down at me, his hair was messy and he was in some random black t shirt and grey joggers

"hi" I kissed him

"oh great now i'm gonna end up seeing you all the time" Christina said jokingly and I laughed as Jack made a face at her

"I feel like I have so much room in this living room now" Jack and I laid down on the couch and I turned on my Netflix

after a couple hours the boys dragged Jack out of my apartment to go do whatever they usually do

I woke up to my phone blowing up, it was about 2 am but I quickly answered it


"babbayyyy what's up gorgeous"

"Jack? are you drunk"

"hell ya I am"

I laughed

"damn your laugh is gorgeous, come to the patio, i'm with the boys and Christina's up here and same with Tate and I wanna see your gorgeous face and bodyyyyyyy"

"Jack stop being cheesy" I Jonah's voice in the background and I laughed

"okay i'm coming"

I was just wearing these black nike shorts and a small white cropped tank top, it's super hot out in Los Angeles, as soon as I got into my car the ac blasted my face

it was a quick drive so I rushed up and Jack whistled at me and I laughed as I walked over and he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his lap, he kissed my neck lightly

I'm not sure what they were talking about, Christina was leaning against Corbyn just quietly observing everyone

Jack put his hand around my waist and moved it to inner thigh, he moved it up and I moved it down a little because we are very visible to everyone else who is here

he leaned his head back

"so i'm going back on tour and I expect all of you to come to at least one of my shows" I said to them all and Zach pointed at me

"i'll be at every single show"

"Zach there's like 16 stops"

"okay i'll come to most"

I laughed at him


"you don't trust me?!" he gave me a look

"I do it's just-"

"it's just what Bryden?"

"it's hard for me to trust automatically you know and I saw the picture they posted of you and that girl and I got confused and-"

"confused and insecure?"

"woah why are you being mean"

"because that's exactly how you're acting toward me right now and it's pissing me off" he yelled and I looked at him

"you know our relationship isn't like this so why the fuck are you making it like this"

"well I can't have an insecure half in my relationship"

he shook his head at me and tears clouded my eyes "true- you don't want a relationship with me? after everything we've been through"

"n- Bry-"

I left


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